Pajamas …

Yes, today were talking PJ’s

Pajamas in public are not ever okay.

Teens: I just want to remind you that pajamas were never made to be worn in public no matter what your friends say, do or even what your moms do.

Often when I am  shopping  I see women and teens stroll past me in their pajama pants, fuzzy slippers or Uggs!  And all I can think is “Ugg!”  I always do a double take and I can still never believe my eyes.  A series of thoughts run through my mind,  Are you kidding me? And did I see what I thought I saw? Yes, I did.

The SONS don’t get girls in pajamas in public either.

Yes, pajamas may be soft and comfortable, but that does not make them ever okay outside of your house.

Here is the deal, if you want to be respected then you won’t wear PJ’s in public. Period. And if you want to gain the respect of a future employer as a business professional, then I want you to think twice before running out the door in your PJ’s. Pajamas in public is a fashion faux pas at any age.

But this blog is about addressing an issue and finding a solution – not judging.

I judged a pageant some years back and asked the contestants if they thought it was appropriate to wear pajamas in public. Sheepishly,  many contestants admitted to this fashion trend.  Beauty Queens in pajamas in public, I simply could not believe it. I promise you that back when I competed you wouldn’t have found a queen caught dead in her pajamas in public. No way.  But now, pajamas are acceptable in broad daylight anywhere.
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It’s all about what is proper and appropriate for the time and place. I don’t mind flip flops at church, but never at the White House. And I like ripped jeans as much as anyone, but not on the SONS of Thunder when they go to school or church.  I just wants teens to know how to dress appropriately in public. Some might say we don’t care what anyone thinks about them, but in this case we should.  One of my dear American friends who now lives in France said Europeans would never be caught dead wearing what some of the Americans do.  They have far too much concern about looking good. They also care what other people think.

Young people are looking for role models and where are they?

Let’s be honest.  We  know right where they are –  in Hollywood and the sports fields. And they are some of the worst dressers around. Trying to be different, trying to be hip. Role models are also at home in the kitchen, in the carpool line and working on computers at their everyday job.  We are the role models.  Every day people like you and me. We set the bar and the example for young people to follow.

What message are we sending our young people and even our very own children? What makes it hard for me is I am trying to teach young women and young men to set a new standard and yet what do they see, who do they look up to?  After I spoke  at a church event a parent came to me and said, “Well, I guess I will have to stop wearing my pajamas to the store.” I said in a agreeing tone, YES!

As a Teen Life Strategist, one of the first things I tell teens is this:  “I want you to set high standards and be young women of power and courage to take your own path, that may mean not following the crowd.   Because the bottom line is the world is going to judge you by the way you dress.  Whether it be a future employer, a university admissions officer or even potential in-laws; so the bar must be raised and good choices made.

Even if you are a teen, you are a role model to someone and if you are an adult you certainly have someone looking up to you too as well.   We need to raise the fashion awareness bar and set a new standard for future generations.  Standards such as  integrity, class, sophistication and self-worth!

I desire for young teens to take pride in themselves and be the teens that choose to dress, speak, and act to a high standard  for themselves.  And may the world stand back and appreciate the style and class of this new generation of young people.

I certainly will…

May you live life in power, purity, passion and purpose!

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