Several years ago I was blessed and honored to speak to a wonderful group of women …

I spoke at the Skin Spa in Newnan to more than 240 women and a few faithful hubbies .This year  I  was crazy busy helping with VBS at our Church at Cornerstone UMC. Both evening were wonderful evenings…

These were both incredible evening until I realized I did not post a Thankful Thursday.  I was in shock!  I have not skipped a Thankful Thursdays in years but I decided we would just call it Thankful Thursdays on Fabulous Friday!

So today as I did years ago I decided to celebrate the women who love us!  Those women whether they are our moms, our grandmothers, our sisters or daughter or our friends or even our mothers friends.

Women need women.  Women need relationships that bless, nurture, encourage and fill them up.  These women are a gift!

The Circle of the Sacred few are called that for a reason.  They are there for each other.  Sometimes they rescue us from the pain we are in or the messes we find ourselves facing. Sometime we just sit on the floor and laugh and other times we cry together.  They are there to hold our hand through funerals, bring us gifts on our birthdays and promise us that we are stronger than we think.

These women are there for each other steadfast ans consistent just like the ocean tide.   That is what we true friends do. I call these women The Circle of the Sacred Few and I love them.

We walk sided by side and support each other on our journey.  We are almost always are in a circle praying for each other thus the name “circle.”

We walk with one another through our pain and help each other find the best hairspray and lip stick and even lip liner. Oh, and how could I forget a killer sale!!

The Sacred Few are there at a moments notice.  We are there to pray, to bless, to bring dinner, to love, to nurture, to undergird and, yes to impart wisdom when none seems clear.

Why do we do this?

Because that is what true Sacred Friends do.

Girlfriends and women like the Sacred Few are the best at this.  It is not only our gift but our calling.  We have a built-in heart of compassion.  You can count on all these women friends.  Whether you call them friends, the Circle of The Sacred Few, the Inner Circle, the Four Horse Man or Heart Friends.

It is the character of these women that never changes. It is a constant.

As I shared with the women last night at the Skin Spa, when true friends need each other they stop everything and do what needs to be done.  Like when my Maid of Honor turned around in the middle of the road in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and sat in a hospital with my parents in a medical crises as I sat in Georgia.  She did not say let me see what I can do…  She did not say let me try o figure  something out … No, she said, “Where do you need me.”

Now that my friends is a friend and deserves the title of  sacred. I am blessed women to have women that are a sacred blessing in my life and I pray that you do too.
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That is the kind of friend I long to be.

Faithful and long-suffering.

Sacred and dedicated in the big things and in the small things too.

The Sacred Few are a gift …

They walk life’s journey with us.

They will listen to our sad story until we are finally ready to let that sad old story go.

We share the good, the bad, the ugly and yes, even the wacky together.

Friends are a gift and you are a blessed woman if you have them in your life.

MOMs especially need these women in their lives.  We all can benefit from other women who have been there and done that and can help us as a MOM too.

I have an amazing Circle of the Sacred Few.

I am truly a blessed woman!

There are very few times that we aren’t standing together in a circle  in prayer and we are stronger together than apart.

I pray you have a group of women that will stick closer than a brother or a sister and build you up and don’t bring you down.

So today’s on this Thankful Thursday and Fabulous Friday I want to say thank you for my precious Circle of the Sacred Few.  Thank you for walking life’s journey with me and helping me be all that God has created me to be!

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly today as we celebrate the friends that walk side by side with us and help us.  The friends that help us be better women than we already are.  These are  women whom we are blessed to count in our circle.  May God put the right women in your life so that you can be a blessing to one another and may your Circle of the Sacred Few empower you to live your life in your passion and purpose

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