Motherhood can be a very crazy time in a woman’s life.  I’m not saying that crazy isn’t good but sometimes we can get a bit worn down as moms with all the responsibilities we have.  Mom means many things as we all know… everything from doctor, to chauffeur, to psychologist, to teacher, to even lifeguard to everything in between.

Moms must rise to the occasion and wear whatever hat is necessary at the time.   But another important job moms and dads have is that of an encourager!

When I am invited to speak, I often talk about the gift of encouragement.  I believe it is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children not matter what their age!  I don’t think children ever out grow the desire and the need to hear their parents say things like “I am proud of you”  or “well done” or “I believe in you” .  These kinds of statements breathe life and hope into children.  Have you ever noticed your child’s face when you say something complementary to them.  The Sons of Thunder usually light up like a Christmas tree.   Frankly, words of encouragement breathe hope into the life of anyone who is fortunate to hear kind and encouraging of words!

But we get busy and life gets in the way …

We get distracted by the laundry, the dishes, the sock bin and just simply life…

We sometimes forget to stop and just say life-giving words to those we love and not just our children.  But also spouses, family, friends and even strangers gain confidence, courage and pride  in themselves when we give them a word of encouragement.

As I wrote in yesterdays Thankful Thursday post, we don’t want to raise children who believe they are only valuable based on their performance and on what they are able to do well. At least I don’t. I believe we want to raise children who believe that they are valuable simply because God created them.

I can’t begin to count the notes that I have from my mom and dad telling me in many different ways how proud they were of me. My parents had the gift of encouragement and never held back from expressing their love to me or anyone for that matter.  This is gift I will treasure always in my heart and it has given me the confidence and fortitude to press through when life has gotten difficult at times.

So today as we are surrounded by all the responsibilities of life and our munchkin,s who are probably even now pulling at your skirt or pant leg for attention, let’s remember to not  just cloth them and feed them but also remember to feed their spirits and souls with life-giving words that bring  them hope, courage and confidence to face life and all its challenges.~Yes, I know this is a really long run on sentence but I like it!~

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So here is a shout out and cheers to the Sons of Thunder for…

Earning their Gold belts in Karate

Levi for mastering the bicycle ride all over Lake Redwine and having a servant’s heart!

Seth for mastering crazy amounts of Sit ups and being so dedicated.

And to Caleb we celebrate your dedication in Boy Scouts and making it to First Class and for having a heart of  bravery too!

You are a gift and a treasure to your father and I!  And we could not be more proud of you and yes, just for being you!

And Winters, I am so proud of you and the monkey on your back!

So today, dear friends, be blessed and encouraged as you celebrate the precious people in your life.  Remember life is short and one day there will be no more time to share those kind words with the ones you love.  They will be mere memories or like for me memories and old tattered notes from some amazing parents that I was honored to call mine for a brief moment in time.

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