There is great debate among some of my friends if true love really does exist.  As the author,writer, editor and father of  the Sons of Thunder and I celebrated our sixteenth wedding anniversary in January, I was reminded that true love does exist.

True love, for the most part, doesn’t look like  Hollywood’s portrayal, but of course we already know that.  It looks more like two people stealing a kiss in the laundry room, a husband sorting socks, and parents praying together over their sick child.   It looks more like putting your lover’s needs before your own and a husband holding his wife as her mother goes to be with the Lord.

Love looks like commitment, just like the commitment God made to us. For the Christian, there is no greater example of true love than that of Jesus Christ.  His death on the cross for our sins demonstrated true love.  Easter is the ultimate reminder of true love.  Jesus’ death on the cross for each of us was so we could truly experience the truest kind of love.

In marriage, true love looks like a covenant between two people who through determination, forgiveness and unselfishness choose to walk daily through this journey of life together for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in much and in little.

It looks like ‘wither thou goest I will go” be it ALASKA!!!, Nebraska, Georgia or even Oklahoma.  It looks like my parents and the “writer’s” parents.  Couples who decided that no matter what, they were in this for the long haul.  Each of our parents have spent fifty years loving, learning  ,growing and forgiving.

I know it wasn’t always perfect for my parents, but what I also know is that they had a steadfast commitment to each other and to the Lord that no matter what, they would persevere.  They worked hard on their marriage.  They knew God was their source and they made church a part of their commitment. Remember that true love is honest, open and willing to change for the betterment of the relationship and their spouse.

True love still finds time to swing from chandeliers, well l… maybe not so much chandeliers but definitely time for love. Sometimes there are bells and whistles, but sometimes there is simply silence. But there must be time for intimacy.  Time for family.  Time for friends.  Time to simply BE.

Life is not easy on marriages.  In fact, I have always said that life pulls us apart and rarely pulls us together.  But we must strive to be close, whether we can afford a vacation or simply a quite dinner at home.  We must choose each day whom we will love and we must choose this day whom we will serve.
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We must lay down our selfish nature and decide to be unselfish.  Most of the time marriage isn’t glamorous.  It is in the “sticktoiveness” that we celebrate oneness.  Best friends maybe, maybe not.  But a friend that speaks the truth in love.  A friend that seeks your best above their own, a friend that will lay down his life for a friend.  That is the kind of true love I have found.

We are reminded in God’s word what true love really looks like and a bench mark to strive for.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.  it always protects, always trusts, always hopes always preservers.  Love never fails.

May we all strive for true love in our hearts and in our homes!

So here’s to true love.

May you experience it today for yourself.