Ever feel like you want to pull the covers over your head and just give up?

You’ve had it. You’re spent . You’re worn out and frankly you have nothing left to give.

It doesn’t happen to me very often, but I must confess sometimes I just want to say to “heck with everything.” It’s tempting.  When you have come to the end of your rope – emotionally, spiritually, physically – and running away or staying in bed for the next month is unrealistic, then your only option is to “press in.”

Press in to the power and the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.  You know the guy.  The one that said my “yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  This is the same man who said “when you seek me with all your heart you will find me.”  But sometimes that is easier said than done isn’t it? But Jesus also said He would give you rest. Rest. Really.  He said be at rest and peace in the midst of the storm. You can count on Jesus.  He is a man of His word.  

Even knowing  what we know,  we can all relate to feeling hopeless and even helpless. Right, you know the feeling.  You are worn out, tired, stretched way too thin and buried under the responsiblity of home, family, work and much more.  Your dreams  have been lost and on top of everything, either the rain won’t stop or the snow keeps on coming and then there are the Bills, Bills, Bills .The future is uncertain.  And even your friends begin to question your choices and frankly, so do you.

Everywhere you turn there seems to be trouble and something in your heart has died.  The Hope.  The Passion.  The Dream.

I hope you have never felt what I have described, but if you haven’t I would be a bit shocked, Life sometimes has a way of getting to you.  As my mother use to say, “if you haven’t,  then you just haven’t lived long enough.”

So in the morning when you are tempted to pull those covers over your head and give up, may I suggest something else.

Cry out to the Lord.  This would be a perfect time to do it.  Cry out to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings!  He will hear you and I promise He can find you anywhere, even there under your covers.  He certainly hears your cry of desperation.

The way I see it, we pretty much have two options. Either we can surrender to the Lord and walk with faith like David – the one who opposed Goliath, or Peter who climbed out of the boat and got busy walking on the water with Jesus – or we roll over and pull the covers over our heads and wait out yet another day.

Tough times call for tough Godly gals. What kind of gal are you going to be?

I say cry if you need too.  I even say have a blooming fit if you need too.  Let it all out and then move on sister!  Move on!  Taking to the bed as they say in the South is just not for a woman of God like you.

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Jesus said to the lame man “take up your bed and walk.”  Jesus commanded the healed man to act!  Act in faith and get up!

So dear sister, make that bed.  Throw on all those beautiful pillows, get up and step into God’s plan for your life and  start fulfilling your purpose.   I always remember what one of my dear friends once said, “You simply cannot be moved by what you see, hear and feel”. We cannot put our trust in what we feel for that often is the flesh. What we see in the natural can be deceptive as well.

We must trust God and believe Him and Him alone.

Dear sister, you must look intently at the cross, and your loving Savior Jesus Christ for strength, wisdom and courage. Then “press in.”

So rise up and say to yourself  “dry bones live again”! (Ezekiel 37:1-14) You have a call on your life..  God will breath His spirit of life in you, I promise.

This is your day.   This is your moment.   This is your time!

You have an oppurtunity to change the world for Christ and it won’t happen if you stay in that bed.

Just like Esther, you were born for such a time as this.  (Esther 4:14)

Be blessed and encouraged today and remember you are stronger than you think because you are in Christ!

So be on your way!   Today is your day!

You Glow Girl!