I got a text from a friend the other day.  She said “I stole your idea.”

Many things ran through my head, but she quickly put my suspicions to rest.  “Your bracelet idea” she said.

Praise God! If you’re going to steal an idea, that is a great idea to steal.

But as I told her, you can’t steal something that I want you to have!

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I have been writing The Power Prayer Girls Handbook and when I speak and minster to women one area I talk a lot about is raising up mighty intercessors for Christ.

If ever we have needed women of prayer, it is now!

Being a great Power Prayer Girl doesn’t just happen over night though, you have to work at it!

One of my favorite ideas I share as a ministry tool is to take a tangible object and use it to make a connection with those we love and frankly, even those we don’t.  

This is especially helpful if the one you are praying for is far away.

I witnessed my mom doing this often, using photographs and even a Christening gown to pray for the “Sons of Thunder”.  You can use a photo, an article of clothing, a dish towel, a necklace,or even a simple bracelet. Really you can use just about anything you want too!  But the bracelet is the is one my friend like most.

That is the idea she “stole,” and I must say this made my day!

The whole point of ministry is to teach women ways to grow in their faith, their ministry and even with the women they come in contact with.

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Each “Son” knows that they will receive this bracelet one day, the one I have prayed over for years.  They love it and often will say “now this one is mine” and point to it. They even chose some of the charms. I also pray for each “Son” specifically and for whatever issues in his life he faces.

I have an opportunity to hold these bracelets and pray for them and make a tangible connection to the “Sons” and their future brides!

It would be impossible to wear these bracelets  and not think to pray for them. I can stop in the middle of my busy life and pray for the Sons of Thunder, that is a gift!

You may have noticed I said I bought four.  The fourth is for Winters and I!  I pray for us, our marriage, our purpose and life as well.  So when the other three bracelets are gone one day, I will still have this one forever!

Prayer is our hotline to God!  God cares for you, for your children, for the needs and the concerns of your life.

My friend said she shared the story with the sales clerk! That is what I am talking about! Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ whenever or wherever you are through a simple story of faith.

What a blessing it would be if that clerk’s life changed forever by the story of prayer, hope and love!  And to think that someone is praying for you or me every time they pass our pictures or hold a tangible object well, all I can say is WOW!  Wouldn’t that be a gift!

That can be our legacy! We can be mighty intercessors for Christ and pray for God’s best and purpose to be fulfilled in the lives of those we love!

Prayer can be a part of your ever waking moment, from making the beds, to mopping the floor to driving in the car! Prayer is our connection to our creator and we, dear sisters, can be conduits for Christ!

So on this Thankful Thursday remember that we can make a lasting impression in the lives of others by praying and lifting them up in prayer. And if a picture or bracelet helps to make that connection, then I say “Go for it!”

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly today as you are a conduit for Christ and make a tangible connection to those you love through prayer!