Celebrate your healing no matter how big or how small!

In The Power Prayer Girls Handbook, I write about praying not only for others, but also for yourself.  I also mention that when God heals we need to give thanks and glory to God for our healing. God cares about your every need.

Pray for your health.  Pray for your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.  We need to pray specifically for our bodies.  Pray for your mind.  Pray for whatever you need to pray about, but by all means pray!

It is so important to pray for ourselves and to ask God to take care of us.

I usually pray something like this when praying for my health: “Lord, I bind sickness and disease from my body.  I pray Lord that my body is healthy.”  I ask the Lord to heal whatever it is that needs healing and I ask the Lord to take care of certain areas of my body. For example, my thyroid, my voice, my heart.  I have prayed for my hormones and countless other things.  You get the point I am sure.  I think the more specific the better and I have done this for years.

Several years back I became really sick.  I had no energy and was completely depleted.  I also had an odd pain in the front of my neck.  

It was a very, very stressful time with Winters’ work and my parents’ health decline and all the other responsibilities as a mother.

I finally went to the school nurse, yes, you read that correctly.  We loved Miss Kathleen and I was busy so I popped in to ask if indeed the pain in my neck was near my thyroid and she confirmed my concern.  She immediately said “you need to go to the doctor and soon”.  So I did.

My primary care doctor whom I love, listened to all my concerns and ran every crazy test I wanted from Lyme disease to mononucleosis to potential thyroid problems.

It was confirmed I had  hyper thyroid and my doctor soon sent me to a specialist.

The doctors were giving me all kinds of feedback on how I would have to treat the problem, much of which I did not like hearing. The treatments were extreme and there was very little room for other medical options.

I was very sick and felt completely spent. I went on medication for about a year, but was told the most likely option was going to be to radiate the thyroid with a little tiny pill. I would then be on medication the rest of my life.

Each vertebra in the thoracic spine is attached to a rib on both sides at every level and these in turn meet in the front and attach to the sternum which is also known as the “happy hormone”, in the brain is increased by this drug helping one to recover from depression. cialis professional online Recent researches have shed new lights on free samples of viagra different sources of depression. To learn more about how acupuncture can mouthsofthesouth.com viagra discount online safely and effectively be incorporated into an oncology treatment plan call for a Propecia lawyer to discover the legal rights. The normally approved design bears the levitra price mouthsofthesouth.com rounded shape colored in orange outfit. My options were limited according to the specialist. I told the doctor from day one I was believing for a healing, but the doctor was very glib and said ”It is unlikely.”  She went on to say “rarely, if ever, does anyone get healed.” So I said “well, I am praying that I am one of those people.”

The doctor went on to say that stress had nothing to do with it either.   Stress has nothing to do with it, okay now you are kidding me! We all know stress has almost everything to do with everything!

I know she was doing her job and I was doing mine – believing I could be healed in the name of Jesus!

I was certain all the stress in my life was greatly contributing to my problem.   I tried to cut out as much stress as possible, eat better, take more vitamins, get more rest and I even started getting massages, and I also spoke to a counselor to help me.

Even a counselor knows when she needs a counselor!  But most of all I continued to believe and pray for my healing.

I continued to take my medication and we then moved to Oklahoma. My new doctor said it was time to check and see if my thyroid was working right. Praise God, because in August of 20o9, I was declared healthy! Praise the Lord.  Just last week we checked my blood work again and everything looks great!  The thyroid is working perfectly!

A Thankful Thursday does not go by that I do not give thanks for my continued health and healing.  But dear sisters, please remember I was believing and confessing my healing while I was being treated.  Faith is believing things that are not as though they are.

Jesus said, to have the faith of a mustard seed, I feel confident each of us can muster up mustard seed faith!

I believe a lot of things contributed to my health and recovery, but I know for certain that believing God can heal is imperative.  We must pray for our healing even in the midst of bad news and the worst diagnoses. We are to profess and declare the healing touch of Jesus.  I still continue to believe and trust God to keep me healthy and I never take my health for granted.

Praise the Lord~ Our God is an awesome God!

So today on this Thankful Thursday, if you have experienced any kind of healing or someone you know has, then let’s give thanks and celebrate the healing touch of Jesus!

Let’s give God all the Glory!


  1. 6-16-2011

    Hi, I randomly found your blog today. I am a youth girls minster at a church in Arkansas and absolutely LOVE it! I love reading what you have to say… praying for your ministry!

    • 6-16-2011

      Praise God, I would say not random! God has beautiful was of connecting people with people. I pray my ministry is a blessing to you and empowers, equips and encourages you! Stay in touch and my God richly bless you in your calling as you raise up women of God! Be blessed and encouraged!

      • 6-17-2011

        hip*hop*horray for being healed and not being persuaded to believe otherwise.
        so glad to see ya today, corby dahling!!