Songs move me.  The talk of true love moves me too…

I know I have said that a million times.

But they do.  And yesterday, on Facebook I posted a song by JJ Heller that always moves me.  It is appropriately entitled “What does love really mean”.  The singers sweet voice and the powerful words always touches me so deeply.  When I need a pick me up and a quick reminder of  the true love I go to YouTube, type in one of two songs this being one of them and I am inspired all over again…

What does love really mean?

Most often we define love as we understand love to be, in our earthly finite minds…

Love can mean many things to many people but to the believer it is a distinct kind of Love.  A love that represents forgiveness, faith, restoration and unconditional love.  True love we can hardly be comprehend.

We can get so caught up in seeking love from others that we seek love the wrong way.  We can seek it through sex when what we really wanted was love and not sex at all.  We seek love through wanting approval so we seek love through our work and become a work Alcoholic. The thought being, if I give all of myself to them, then they will love me or if I am successful and rich then they will love me.

It makes me sad just thinking about it because that is a counterfeit love. That is a love based on doing something to get something in return or love based on our performance.   But that is not love.  True love says “I love you no matter what” and “I will love you for you” for richer or poorer and in sickness and in health. I simply value you. You as person.  I am not saying we shouldn’t work to improve ourselves but we should not do it  just so someone will love us more.

But again so often we feel loved  for “what we do” and “how we do it”.

We seek approval Love.  The “I know they will love me when I’m thinner, more successful, get that promotion or when others think I ‘m important again”.  But that is not really love, is it?

No, that is not true love.

True love says your important no matter what.  You are so important just because you are you… That is God’s kind of true love.

And just because the world doesn’t recognize it, or a boss doesn’t acknowledge it or your parent doesn’t see it, doesn’t make  you any less valuable.  You are important just for being you!

In the bible God talks about unconditional love~ Unconditional love is when we love someone regardless of their qualities or actions.

The beautiful thing is that no one is to far from the love, grace and mercy of God.  Sometimes it is hard to wrap our heads around it but God  loves the liar, the drunkard, the adulterer, mistress, the thief, the murder, the hopeless shop clerk, the person who abandoned you, the parent who let you down all those years ago, the child who disappointed you and He loves you and me too.  His love is far and deep and very, very wide.

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Now let me be clear God hates the sin but He loves the sinner.

He died on the cross for all of us.  The good, the bad and the ugly. Let’s remember when hanging on the cross Jesus said to the one thief  “Today you will be in paradise with me”.  He promised the thief hope and cared for His soul.  He will care for yours too.

Today on this Thankful Thursday don’t let your heart be full of hurt or even conditional love for others.

If someone has wounded you so deep you see no signs of ever recovering.  Let is go.  Pray for them and pray they will have an encounter with the our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because no one is to far from the grasp of  Jesus!

Let go of the pain that is holding you back from living the life God has for you. Celebrate that He loves you for you and stop trying to earn love or earn grace.  It is a gift God-lovingly gives because He first loved us, we can love others.

On this Thankful Thursday be thankful for a savior who loves you no matter what.

Don’t waste one more minute of your life in regret. Regretting that someone did not love you or treat you better!

Because, my sweet sister, you have the greatest gift of true love ever in the Son of God!

I love remembering that Jesus will love me for me! Not for what I have done or what I will be become…I needed to be reminded of this again and just thought someone else today might need to be reminded of it too!

No one is to far from the loving touch of our savior not even you or me.

Jesus loves you dear friend! Listen to the Lord as He says to you I will love you for you! Just You! Not for your education, your looks, your income, your position, your power, or talent but I love you for YOU!

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly today as you remember and celebrate that you are loved. Now walk in love!

Check out video on my Facebook page or on you tube it will bless you! JJ Heller What Love Really Means!

You might see some typo’s Winters was out of the office… Sorry…


  1. 6-30-2011

    My Dear, Sweet Corby!!

    You don’t have enough space on this page for me to write about the many ways you have personally touched my life….what a blessing from heaven you have been to me! You have an unbelievable gift of encouragement that seems to transcend even the darkest hour. The Word of God says that a friend is “born for adversity”. This means that when you need them the most, they will stick with you, lift you up in prayer, and be that voice that God Himself desires each and every one of us to be. That is exactly what you are to me…and to all who have been blessed to know you. I look
    forward, with great anticipation, to seeing what the Lord is going to do in your life and ministry. You were given a message, and the desire to share it! GO FOR IT GIRL!! We are all cheering you on!

    • 7-1-2011

      I am humbled by such sweet words. Thank you dear friend for all your support, encouragement and love! I am blessed to have friends in my life like you. Be blessed dear friend and thank you again for being my friend!


  1. Power Prayer Girls~Thankful Thursday~ What does love really mean? Part 2~True Love | Corby Carlin Winters -A Speaker Empowering, Equipping & Encouraging Women of God! - [...] True Love!  I have already been praying for their future brides.  You can read more about that here, if…