It is hard to believe, but I have been writing this healthy living series for a couple of months  now.  Winters said I had too much to say in just one post and well, he was obviously right.

You all know I am passionate about helping you and women across the country stay healthy and happy.  Frankly, it takes a lot to be healthy and I have a lot to say.

Bottom line – to truly live a healthy life takes work!

For some women it easier than for others.  For some they may struggle in one area and for others, it is another. I have one friend who simply thinks about losing weight and it melts off her.  I have other friends who will hike the North 40 and see very little results. But that is why this weekly post is a series to keep encouraging you that you can achieve your goals.  It is to serve as a reminder each week that you can be healthy, whole, and  a fabYOUlous You with some simple how-to’s on healthy living.  

Let’s be honest, you and I both know that there have been times in our lives when we were healthier than at other times.

I know for all of us there were times that feeling FabYOUlous came quite, well, shall I say easy and other times it was more difficult. Right?

Birth, death, grief, change, hurt, moving, divorce, infertility, death of a dream,  job loss, job change and financial uncertainty and so much more can all affect our healthy lifestyle.

One of the greatest culprits to healthy living is stress. Which all of the things I mentioned above will cause. That is why each week I write this post to encourage you, to empower you and to equip you with proven principles and tools that you can easily implement into your daily life to stay healthy.  I want you to live your life with purpose, exude confidence, and have an overall sense of well-being!

As we approach the new school year, now is a great time to make some choices that are for you: choices that will help you stay healthy.

First, set some goals. Goals are a good thing and keep us on track.

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Evaluate the summer food habits that you want to break.  If it is time to go back to Weight Watchers, a group I love and totally endorse, well, then get signed up and fast.  Start looking at the pantry and the refrigerator and evaluate the food you are consuming.  This is key.  Eat to Live not Live to Eat! The famous line at our house is we want to be healthy!

Again re-evaluate your alcohol consumption.  If you have been downing too many summer cocktails, ladies, they are not worth the calories, weight gain, expense, possible embarrassing behaviors and usually the typical headache the next morning.

Also you have to get moving, yes it is time to get moving. Have  you put your workout on hold because the kids are home? Then think about your workout plan once school starts.  We must move these old bodies.  They have to stay active.  So go for it, get moving.  I love the buddy system, but if you don’t have buddy then grab the iPod and go!  We got the Sons all new bikes just to get them all moving and I must say it worked!

As we embark on this new school year another great way to stay healthy is learning to say “No.”  You will be asked to do a million things at school, church, home and everywhere else in between. Say “yes” only to the things that are good for you and your family.  I often say I try to only do things that make my life easier and do not complicate my life and make it more difficult than it already is. So say “no” when you need to and do not feel an ounce of guilt.

So dear sweet friends, as we approach the new school year I hope today’s post is just a quick reminder of some of the ways to stay healthy, live well and help you to continue to remember you are FabYOUlous!

Be blessed and encouraged as you remember that one simple act today can change your life forever tomorrow!