Inner Peace … Inner Peace … Inner Peace …

In your mind’s eye, imagine sitting in a relaxing meditative state with stillness all around you and the words “inner peace” are calmly being repeated over and over in your mind. You feel serene, with a euphoric type of transcendence and most of all, an inner peace!

Hello? Who are we  kidding here!  Inner peace in the midst of screaming children, barking dogs, piles of laundry and toys strewn everywhere. If you are a mother you are probably in the midst of craziness and it is breaking out all round you!

Inner Peace. Really?  Yes, really.

You and I as mothers and as wives can find inner peace in the midst of the storms of life that rage around us!

The Sons love the movies, but not quite as much as their mother.  I am crazy about live theater and the movies.

I cry, cheer, and have been known to stop a film to share a life application moment with the Sons! Funny thing is now Winters often does the same. Ha! Ha!

So on Thankful Thursday, the Sons and I ventured out to see Kung Fu Panda Two.  I loved the first one.  I mean loved it and there were so many life application moments the movie was on pause more than a gazillion times.  And yes, the Sons rolled their eyes at me a gazillion times and then would say “are you done yet … or you’re not going to cry are you?”

So here we are in Kung Fu Panda Two and we had heard it is a bit sad.  The Sons, including myself, braced ourselves for the worst.  But here is Master Shifu once again in this movie alone in a cave balancing on the tip of his cane saying the mantra “Inner Peace, Inner Peace, Inner Peace.”  I pretty much lose it and embrace the eldest Son of Thunder.  I have to remind him, one it is funny and two it is dark and no one can see us!  Many times when things are crazy at the Winters’ household I will often say “you are stealing my peace”!!

In the movie there is a part about facing our past, facing our fears and focusing on inner peace in the midst of chaos. Yes, inner peace.

It can be done.  It can. Some of you may know this, but there are those of you who may feel life is just tossing you back and forth and beating you with a giant rubber mallet.

But that is when we focus on the Peace of God. We pursue it and if we have to, repeat the phrase over and over until we get it. Remember He is with you in the midst of the storm.  Remember that you are always safe in the arms of Jesus.

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To take time for yourself.

To focus on the Lord.

To listen to the Lord.

To not try to be all things to all people.

To let go of the past.

To give thanks for the chaos, for in the chaos we have some of our greatest growth.

To say “Calgon take me away” when you need  to and enjoy some alone time on occasion.

Finally, seek peace and pursue it because I promise one day you will find it.

Jesus said when you seek me you will find me ~ never forget that dear friends.

Funny what God uses to remind us to seek him deeper ~ even an animated children’s show like Kung Fu Panda can be used by the Lord to help us remember to find inner peace.  And my dear friends, we find it safe in the arms of Jesus.  That is just where we find inner peace!

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly today as you journey to Inner Peace … Inner Peace … Inner Peace!


  1. 3-20-2012

    Thanks Corby, you’ve hit the nail on the head! We need to remember to take time out and listen to Him. And it’s so funny what you said about your boys and movies. Except I usually stop the tv if there’s something I disagree with and say, “Now you know we don’t believe that – we believe etc, etc, etc” And then they say “We KNOW mom!” Love you and hope to talk again soon!

    • 3-21-2012

      I am so glad you enjoyed last weeks Thankful Thursday! I know you and I can relate on so many levels. I can’t count the times we have said “now we don’t do or say that in our house” . Praying for you and for strength as we continue to raise men of God!


  1. Power Prayer Girls ~ Thanksful Thursday ~ Please Don’t Hug Me | Corby Winters - [...] keeps us busy.  Life keeps us distracted and as I said last week, there is very little time to…