On this Thankful Thursday, I am reminded of when a friend and I made a trip to Atlanta.

She brought along her handy GPS, whom she fondly referred to as “Linda” to keep us from getting lost.  We laughed, we talked and we laughed some more as we  tried to manuever our way through the big city with the youngest SON of Thunder and her youngest SON of Lightening.

I love going to Atlanta, and I love knowing where I’m headed even more.  I just hate to get lost.  But the funny thing about heading into a big city or into life in general is we don’t always know where we are headed, even with a GPS. We can’t always be prepared.

If you have ever used a GPS, you know the idea is to get you where you want to go without getting lost.  Also, it’s safer than looking down at a map, trying to pull up map quest.  In this day and age where there is such amazing technology, none of us should ever get lost again, right?  Wrong.  One reason it is wrong is we must use said technology. And the good news is that with a GPS, if you do get off track or take the wrong turn you will hear the infamous words “re-calculating.”

I have a pretty good sense of direction so I usually don’t get lost.  I usually gather all the addresses and phone numbers and do all the research needed to “not get lost.” This drives Winters crazy.  I think he likes the adventure of going out into the unknown with only a compass.

So on this trip to Atlanta my friend and I used the GPS and I guess we were not following “Miss Linda”  correctly enough and we found “Miss Linda” was often calling out the infamous words  “re-calculating.”   She re-calculated and re-calculated and gave us a new alternative route many times that day.

I couldn’t help but think,  “How much is that like life”?

We can’t always be prepared in life.  There will be bumps in the road and detours and even the best GPS can’t always help you get through your tough spots.  So it is then with life, and I’m sure an angel of the Lord calls out something like “re-calculating, re-calculating, Corby WInters in Newnan, Georgia needs re-calculating.  She has taken an alternative route and she needs some help re-calculating.”

Just like with a GPS, there are many times our futures are in hands of others; like our boss, our spouses, our jobs. Sometimes, an unexpected detour arises, or a crisis  occurs. There are times I have, like you I’m sure, found myself a bit lost and need a map to find my way.  But ultimately, for the believer, God is in control.
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We must trust God and seek Him as we continue on the  journey through life.  Yes, there are many times in life we must sometimes re-calculate.  I am sure God works overtime then. We have all had that perfect plan for our future.  We see it and we think everyone else sees it too and even God sees it.  Then oops, it is not to be. There is a detour or some large abyss or crater ahead.   So we do what we need to do and we “re-calculate.”

It is not always easy, but it is necessary or we will continue to be lost. The reality is that most often something happens and plans change.  We are mere humans and we must trust God as He guides our steps through a re-calculation for our future.

Have you ever felt you were right where God wanted you to be and then overnight everything changed?  Then it was off to Plan B or Plan C or Plan whatever.  In times like these we must re-calculate.  We must find a new path, a new road map and remember we are not lost. For just like the SON that day in Atlanta, the big question was “are we lost” and of course we were not, at least not for long.  But when we feel we are lost we tend to panic. 

Today on this Thankful Thursday, if you find yourself on the road of life and think you just might need a bit of re-calculating.  Be encouraged for I am confident that an Angel of the Lord is calling out your name with new coordinates headed your way just for you, my friend.  You are that loved and special to God.  You are so special that He wants to personally help you re-calculate your direction!  His voice is far better than any man-made GPS system for His directions are perfect.  He is ready to guide your steps and help you find your way home or wherever it is you need to go!

So on this Thankful Thursday be blessed and encouraged abundantly today as you remember always that you are not lost but found!



  1. 6-28-2012

    Corby as always your message is so tImely. Those gentle nudges to recalculate my steps are always welcome and right on time. Thanks for the blessing you mean to me. I couldn’t be more proud if you were my own daughter. Love you and miss you girl!

    • 6-28-2012

      Dear Trish, You are such a lovely friend. What kind and beautiful words to say. I can’t thank you enough for letting me know that this post ministered to you. Your word of enouragement are like a cold glass of water for a dry and thirsty soul! Thank you for all your love and support all these years. Be blessed in all you do for you are such a blessing!


  1. Thankful Thursday ~ Are You Concerned You Have Lost Your Way? | Corby Winters - [...] big picture, which we usually can’t see but God does. I talked a lot about this in my post,…