On this Thankful Thursday I am reminded of a post I wrote for Monday Muse ~ Dreams and Inspirations.  It has been heavy on my heart and has continued to come to mind over the last few days. I included some more thoughts and pray that on this Thankful Thursday it speaks to you.

It all started the other day when I was praying with a friend of mine, I prayed the following prayer.

“Lord, please do not let the insignificant things of this life keep us from the significant”.

Those words have resonated in my heart for days as I continue to sort boxes and stuff in my life.  I could not help but think about how many insignificant things I spend my energy on.  I also couldn’t help but think about how often we spend so much time on the small and meaningless stuff that keep us from what really matters and what is really important in life.

Sadly, we may one day wake up and find ourselves tethered to a life filled with insignificant things. Anything from stuff, people, memories, work, addictions and so much more are in the end simply meaningless.  Now you may be wondering why I listed people in that grouping, but think about those people in your life who suck the energy out of you and give you nothing in return. Like a job that you dedicated your life to and in the end they offered nothing in return.

My mother was a wonderful woman, but she struggled with being unable to let go of her “treasures.’  Those treasures caused her a lot of heartache. My father too was a wonderful man, but he struggled with being a workaholic.  He got so much of his identity from being a doctor.  A godly man who struggled with his own worthiness and significance in Christ alone.  If some called him Mr. Carlin, he would quickly correct them and say “It’s Dr. Carlin.’  His title was that important to him.  So sadly, mom shopped to fill her loneliness and daddy worked to fulfill his need of worthiness.

Each choice we make impacts our life – tomorrow and forever. Ultimately, the choices we make either make our lives better or they don’t.  They also either invest in eternity or not.  I loved my parents very much. I only share their story to be a lesson to all of us that we can change our story.

I once read, “It’s choice not chance that determines our future.” To live the life most of us long for is accomplished only through intentional living. Our choices are key and where we put our focus is crucial. But at our core we all know this to be true.  I am not telling you anything new.

We know that where ever we put our time, our talent and treasure, that is where the heart is. But it is still often a painful reminder when we look at our checkbooks and see where all our money went or we review our weekend and see where we spent all our time.  The checkbook does not lie. There are many times I wish it did, but it doesn’t.  It is then that we must face the truth of the choices we have made and beliefs we have of ourselves.

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“When I lose my way and I forget my name remind me who I am.  In the lonely places and I can’t remember what grace is remind me.  When I am afraid I will never be enough, tell me lest I forget who I am to you!  If I am your beloved will you help me believe it!  Tell me once again who I am to you.”

It is easy to forget who we are when all around us insignificant things scream for our attention.  So when the insignificant things of this world start to crowd out the significant, ask God to remind you who you are and what is important.

Sometimes when I get frustrated or upset over something. My dear friend, whose daughter was murdered, will gently remind me “Corby, on a scale from 1 to 10 this is just not that big of a deal.  This is like a 3.” Powerful words coming from a women who lost a daughter in a violent crime.  Sometimes we must remember that some things are just not that big of a deal.

I pray on this Thankful Thursday you will remember who you are and when you forget, I pray that you will ask God to remind you.  I promise you, He will.

Dear friends, I pray God will give us eyes to see and ears to hear as He guides us to the significant things of life, for in the whole scheme of things we are mere travelers.

On this Thankful Thursday I pray you will begin to live intentionally.  I pray you will put your time, your talents and your treasure toward a life of significance.

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly today on this Thankful Thursday as we learn to focus our attention on the significant things of life and remember who we are in Christ!  For you dear friends are His beloved!



  1. 7-20-2012

    Well said, Corby. We all struggle with getting caught up in the “not so significant” things. Thanks for your encouragement today!

    • 7-20-2012

      So appreciate that you always let me know how these posts touch you. Thanks so much for all your encouragement! I love you and thank God we have each other to count on! Be blessed friend!