Yes, that is it … Plain and Simple!

To be truly healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally, we must FORGIVE!

Today’s Thankful Thursday is rather simple and then again it is not!  Yes, I know that sounds like a conundrum and I guess it is.  One of the greatest ways to stay healthy is walking in forgiveness.  For most of  the world that is easier said than done.

But the bottom line is we must forgive ourselves as much as we forgive others.

Forgive yourself for the things you have done and things you haven’t.  

Forgive yourself for whatever it is that wakes you up in the middle of the night and pulls you into some long internal dialogue with yourself over the crazy things you said or did not say or what you did or did not do or what they did to you or did not do to you and so on and so on and so on.

I am sure you get the picture, maybe just last night you were up late in the night mulling over things of the past. Thinking about the person who so gracefully screwed up your life.

The past will take hold in the present and suck the life out of a beautiful moment in the present. And it will suck the life out of a beautiful women like you too.  I wish I could say, I have only heard about that happening to someone I know, but no, I know this all to well from personal experience.

I have personally had to lay down the past a million times and even while writing this post.  I have made many mistakes in my life.  Some of those mistakes were totally innocent and others were more blatant errors in judgement and behavior. Mistakes like these can stay with us a lifetime, dear friend, and cast a shadow on all we do. It holds us back from God’s best.

We must ask for forgiveness from ourselves, from others and from the Lord. And that sometimes means 20 to 20,ooo times a day.

Over the last few years, our family has made many tough decisions. Some of those we later questioned, and I even questioned myself.

But if you live in the question and not in the answer you will never really live in the moment. In the present.  In the here and now.

Life is full of choices. We will make some good ones and some bad ones.  Life is also full of people who will hurt us and say or do some thing at some point that will even break our hearts, crush our spirits and possibly even destroy our dreams.

But our hope is in Christ.  God is the healer. He is the restorer of hopes, dreams and plans.   Our hope is not in Man but God, and Him alone.  God can put you back together again.  He will restore your broken heart and broken dreams.

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That hurt can stay a lifetime if you let it; even to the point of shortening your life.

The should of’ s… The would of’s … and the could of’s  have got to go.  You must do the best you can to walk the Christian life in purity, holiness and peace.  If you mess up,  fess up and  forgive yourself and others and move on! Sister move on!

Jesus said we are to forgive 7 times 70 times.  So I suppose the bottom line is if Jesus was really saying forgive as often and whenever you need to … then we better get busy forgiving.  Even if it 100 times a 100,000 times!

Bitterness and unforgiveness will choke the life out of you and kill you as fast as a heart attack.  Unforgiveness is sneaky though.  It is a slow-growing malignant tumor that starts in the heart and the head and finally takes over the whole body.

Bring it all  to the Lord and lay it at his feet. He will help you forgive the trespasses.

You are just too FabYOUlous for that kind of life! God has more for you girlfriend, trust me … I know from experience..

So today… Forgive.

Forgive yourself.

Forgive yourself for the things you did do and for the things you did not do.

Forgive others

forgive others who would not forgive you. Forgive them for what they did do and what they did not do.

Jesus was rejected by the world. He hung on a cross and said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”.  If he can do it, so can you and I. It will probably be hard, but we can do it.

Remember that God will use every part of your story for His glory.  He is not taken by surprise by your situation or your circumstances, or who has wounded you.  He is with you!

Show others and yourself grace and mercy.  God did that for you, so we can certainly do it unto others.

So on this Thankful Thursday be blessed and encouraged  as we forgive seventy times seventy and move on Sister!

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