Today on this Thankful Thursday,  I couldn’t help but remember what someone said recently.

They told me I was in the middle of midlife. I am sure I appeared shocked. I suppose in some world 29 is midlife, but not in mine, I thought to myself.

Then reality hit.  Ok, so maybe the old calendar indicates I am in the middle of midlife, and maybe I’m a little past 29, but don’t tell Winters that or anyone else for that matter.

No midlife for me.  I am in the midst of puberty, spelling bees, musicals and mini meltdowns from The SONs of Thunder.

Some days I hardly recognize the SONs or the world we live in.

I have asked myself many times, “Am I on another planet?” and “Are these my SONs or simply alien impostors?”  Yes, that is it! Aliens have embodied my darling, charming, delightful SONs of Thunder. OK, so the youngest is not in puberty yet. Thank God I still have one more on my side!

But Winters and I have definitely found ourselves on Planet Puberty! And we have every intention of surviving …

So to take action and retaliate against the invasion, I decided  to go on strike.  That was effective for a very short time – until I realized the SONs did not really understand the true meaning of “a strike” and unfortunately, I am not proud to admit that I crossed my own picket line a few time. But the word “grounded,” now that they understood. However, they had rarely experienced being grounded until the world as we know it changed with the invasion of pubescent teens!              .

Now Winters and I are amiable and are willing to try just about anything.  But evidently, the “teens” do not like the”tone” we use.  They enjoy harmonious discipline.  Yet, the so called invaders also do not realize a tone only comes forth from the leaders’ voice when they are retaliated against. But we, the leaders, are working on the tone in which we offer guidance, discipline and direction.  Evidently they like harmonius discipline, really.

We are back to writing out goals, objectives and setting plans in motions. Lack of computer access is a never-ending discussion so much so that I simply say, “Do not speak. Don’t say another word.”

Oh my, have I become my mother?  I ponder … Well, she would be a hard one to top.

Once my brother and I drove her so crazy she threw spaghetti at us and then beat the pots and pans together.  When we were adults and recounted the story to her, she simply smiled and said, “It  was maccaroni  not spaghetti.”  My only retort was “Mom REALLY, it was pasta!”  I adored my mother and I figure every great women deserves a breakdown once in a while.

I am pretty sure she was menopausal.  And my dear friends menopause and puberty simply do not mix!  So far I have managed to out run that one.

As for me, I have never beat pots and pans together except to make music with the SONs and I have only served them pasta on a plate.  I think they have it pretty good.
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However, I did nearly have a nervous breakdown trying potty training the Eldest SON.  As one of my dear friends can attest,  I remember telling her how I use to wear evening gowns and sing on stages to hundreds of people and  I have a master’s degree in Counseling for Heaven’s Sake and I can’t teach one tiny little child to poop in the potty!

What is up with that?  I am pretty sure I shed some tears over potty training three SONs and it never got easier. Now thank God I can laugh about it.  I will blame the tears on postpartum depression at the time and I am sticking to that story.

Sometimes life is just hard.  It doesn’t matter if you’re potty training your child, your SONs are trying to come into their own and become man without you or you are burying a beloved parent.

Life is full of moments that seem insurmountable.

So life on Planet Puberty is not all that bad after all.  We have friends and family who are on the same planet.  That makes it even more fun because we get to laugh a lot hear about our similar experiences.   Growing up isn’t all that bad either on the Puberty Planet.   We have food, water and air. Well, as far as the air is concerned,  I have that if  it hasn’t been sucked out of  me over some great debate  that the invaders need more of computer time, games, toys, electronics.  I know you get the point and this is about the time the “leader” gets a “tone” and says “Do not speak” and harmony is evaporated once again!

Yes, sadly there are computers on our planet, but that may not be true for long. I am praying those will be sucked out into oblivion.

We the leaders are still in charge on the new planet, although sometimes it appears there maybe a revolt any minute . So we say words like – strike, grounded and the best, I love you – and then give them a big hug!  Oh and we say a lot prayers on this planet, trust me on that one.

So if on this Thankful Thursday if  you find you might need a little support  for your planetary journey, may I make a recommendation. Pray a lot, listen more to your teens, find a church and seek wisdom from others who have been there and done that.

That is just a bit of wisdom and insight for any parent preparing for a planetary travel and invasion of pubescent teens.

Here is what I often remember, the aliens will soon leave and your SONs or daughters will return safely back to earth and everything will once again return to normal  – whatever normal is!

Finally, savor the moment . Life is short, even on Planet Puberty!

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly my fellow leaders!


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