I have posted this blog before but the intro I wrote is exactly where I have been for the last several days and feel it so appropriate for me and many others.  I pray God speaks to you and renews you my dear friends!

I spent most of yesterday and all of today trying to decide what to share on this Thankful Thursday.

I started several different posts, but they just weren’t quite right.

So I kept praying.  I would sing a bit, then pray a bit more, then I would talk to God out loud and sing a bit more.  It was a long afternoon and a long day today.

God and I had a long talk.

There were many thoughts spinning in my head.

One thing I know for certain is when others hurt, it hurts me.  Seeing our brokenness reminds me that God can put us together again, but we must want God to restore our broken hearts and lives.  We have a choice in our healing.  Yes, we have to choose …

Choosing “help” means admitting we have a problem and that is usually never easy.  God is a God of restoration – I am positive of that too – but what if restoration does not come?  What if others don’t want it.  What then, I ask?

Sometimes life is just plain hard.  You may find yourself in a place you never thought you would be. You may even come to a place where the streets are not marked, well that is how Dr. Seuss so eloquently put it.  And worse yet, you may be anything but the person you set out to be and you look in the mirror on this Thankful Thursday asking, Who am I?

Now that my mom and dad are gone, there are times I ask myself who would I turn to in a time of crisis.  Who could I count on to help me through my time of unmarked streets.  I must then pause and remember I have a Savior who will never leave me or forsake me.  I take great comfort in that and I hope you do too.  But it still would be nice to my mom and dad’s help sometimes.

But my dear friends, it is never to late to ask for God’s help.  He is the mighty healer.  He is the one who can heal our broken hearts and get us back from our broken or unmarked road.  I am certain we can never get too far from God’s love and our hearts can never be so hard that they cannot be softened up by a gentle t touch of our loving Savior.

Today’s Thankful Thursday is a reminder to ask God to touch our broken and even hardened hearts.

Yesterday I kept singing this verse from one of my favorite songs, What can be done for an old heart like mine, soften it up with oil and wine.

Yes, Lord on this Thankful Thursday soften up this old heart of mine, Lord, and allow me to feel your gentle touch. Lord, heal my brokenness and use my flawed and imperfect life to give honor and glory to you.  Because I know Lord in our brokenness we are more beautiful.
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Dear sweet friends, if you have found yourself with a bit of a harden heart, I pray you will ask God to soften you up!  I pray you will give thanks for your brokenness.

And on this Thankful Thursday let’s lift up in prayer all those who have suffered much and then thank God for His sufficiency of Grace for us.

Thank God we can have a heart of compassion and not one of stone!

And if your heart is a bit hardened by this old world, may I suggest that you ask God to help you out.

This is a beautiful song by Keith Green that I just absolutely love, called My Eyes Are Dry, and below are the lyrics.

Be blessed and encouraged today as you read these lyrics and especially if you need a little softening up.  You can count on God.  He will soften up your old heart, dear friend, if you will just let Him.  Simply ask Him for help.  He will restore your life and take your broken life and put it back together again.

My eyes are dry                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             My faith is old                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                My heart is hard

My prayers are cold
And I know how I ought to be
Alive to You and dead to me

But what can be done
For an old heart like mine
Soften it up
With oil and wine
The oil is You, Your Spirit of love
Please wash me anew                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In the light of your love ~ (I made up that verse)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     With the wine of Your Blood

Praise God for a renewed, restored heart in Jesus Christ!

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