Dear Miss Oklahoma Contestants and

Miss Oklahoma Outstanding Teens,

It is hard to believe that another year has already come and gone and we are once again here at Miss Oklahoma. For some of you this will be a whole new experience and others of you are returning once again.  Either way, you are here following your dream and the goals you have set before you.

As your Chaplain, I am so thrilled and honored to support you as your spiritual advisor, guide, mentor, friend, prayer warrior and whatever else you may need me to be.  As I have said so many times before, this is certainly a dream come true for me.

My prayer and desire is to empower, equip and encourage you and to help you discover your dreams, your passions and your purpose for all that Christ has called you to be!

I have been praying for you for many months and preparing for this week.  I believe God will guide, direct and use you, not only here this week at the Miss Oklahoma Pageant, but also as you serve and bless the communities you represent and the lives that you will touch throughout your lifetime.  I hope you will remember that once you are a queen you will always be a queen.  Throughout your lifetime you will, indeed, leave a legacy just like all the other queens that preceded you!  Long may you reign!

We are fellow sojourners and life is so short.  What we do with our precious time here on earth will impact the lives of others forever.  I pray you know that you are an important, valuable and a significant part of God’s plan.

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly, dear friends, as you trust God to fulfill His divine purpose in you and through you with His true and mighty Pure Empowerment!

Corby Carlin Winters, M.A.


Miss Oklahoma Chaplain


To Miss Oklahoma 2013

May You Embrace This Moment In Time



Yes, take a deep breath and remember you have arrived where you set your goal to be.


You made it to Miss Oklahoma so relax in the fact you have reached that goal.


Rejoice, savor and celebrate this moment in time.


And give thanks to the many friends and family who have helped you get here.


Give everything you have to be present in this moment, this day and this week.


I want to invite you on a journey of a lifetime. This week is a significant part of your life story and this moment will never happen again.

So, I would ask you to leave the cares of this world behind you.  Set them at the foot of cross if you will. Invite the Lord to be here this week with you at the pageant and most of all that He will be in your heart and will fulfill His purpose in you and through you this week and throughout your life.

Experience this moment in time for all it is worth.  Do not doubt yourself for where doubt resides confidence cannot.   Trust God and trust yourself and may you enjoy what is right in front of you my dear sweet friend. 

In a culture that craves to be satisfied and where souls cry out for more and rarely seem content with what they have, my prayer is that you will find contentment in Jesus and be satisfied when you know your hope is in Him.  I pray that God will fulfill your needs, desires and your purpose.  But most of all I pray that you will know that you, my dear friend, are enough.  A precious gift!

Be confident of this that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to the completion until the day of Jesus Christ.   Philippians 1:6


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Remember Your Story Matters

God has entrusted each of us with our own unique story. 

Our stories are marked by our life experiences.  It is ours alone and unlike anyone else’s.  It is our story to share.

I am confident that God wants to use all of our stories, every part of them; the highs and low, successes and failures, good moments as well as bad and yes, even sometimes the ugly and the wacky, to show His amazing steadfast love for each of us.

This week at Miss Oklahoma is now going to be a part of your story.  How it is weaved into the threads of the fabric of your life remains to be seen.

Most of us only want to share the best parts of our story. Frankly, I completely understand that. The reality is that God wants to use all of our stories; the best moments and yes, our least impressive moments as well.

My story will touch someone’s life where yours may not and your life story may speak to someone that I could never connect with. God uses our stories for His glory and to connect us to others, promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as bless and give hope to others.

Whether or not you become Miss Oklahoma, Miss America or Miss Anything, does not make your story any less important or more valuable.

We do not know how the actions of our lives will impact others down the road.  But I am certain that the ever present world is watching and the life you live leads to the story you will tell.  Ultimately, what you did or did not do will determine how others are changed.

No matter how short or how long your life is on this earth, your story matters and will impact others’ lives forever.

Remember, no one can tell your story quite like you can because you lived it. When we share our story with honesty and are real, God is glorified in all of it …The good, the bad, the wacky and yes, even the ugly.  So let your life SHINE for the entire world to see God’s majesty.


God Has Entrusted You With A Story, A Story Which Can Change Lives.

 So Share Your Story!

Monday June 3, 213

Dream, Believe, Discover, Imagine

 And Be Courageous and Brave!

Dreaming and imagining are great things but they take courage and bravery!    

Sometimes people are afraid to dream and set goals and to embrace their dreams. Often   people are afraid to dream big, to imagine the possibilities in front of them and to believe that God can do anything through you that He wants too. 

They set goals that are sometimes small so they are sure to achieve them. That can be a good thing as long as you then set bigger goals.  Sometimes parents, in an effort to help protect their children from not being hurt by life’s disappointments, subconsciously urge their children to dream small dreams without realizing they are encouraging them to aim low.  They have hopes that they will have a better shot at hitting their more practical goal!

That is not my kind of faith! That is not courage! 

To you, I say, DREAM BIG and remember that you were made to be courageous!

You were made to live a life of greatness and to aim high.

This week is a perfect time to embrace your dreams and to believe in them because you are certainly doing your part to reach them.  It is also a perfect time to discover new dreams and to assess the old ones.

Remember that you are unique and that God made you special. Because of that, your dreams, too, are unique and special. I believe you were born for such a time as this, just like Queen Esther. 

I pray this week God will help you to have eyes to see the true dreams that you dream and that you will have ears to hear His small voice speaking to you, guiding you and leading you each and every step you take.

 Bask in the moment as you experience the love and support that comes from the crowd and those that came to support you as your dream of being at The Miss Oklahoma Pageant comes true. God has great plans for you! Bigger plans than you could ever imagine.  Be brave and courageous and trust God with your life and your story.

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine,        according to His power that is at work in us.                                                                         Ephesians 3:20



Tuesday June 4, 2013

Let the Beauty You Love Be What You Do

Each of our lives are full of passions.  Our hearts leap for joy and our souls come alive when we just think about doing certain things.  That is the beauty of how we feel when we are doing something we love like singing, dancing, writing, speaking or you fill in the blank!

There is great book called, “Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow.”  I love the title of that book because it embraces the notion that if we do what we love we will thrive and will in turn become successful.  But I often meet people that really do not love what they do or even who they are for that matter.

It is easy to tell when someone loves their work and also likes themselves. Frankly, it is usually quite obvious when they do not. God wants you in your purpose and celebrating who He created YOU to be!!  He wants us to thrive and relish in each moment we live, work and are in relationship with others.  He wants us passionate about life!

He created you with unique talents and gifts that you alone possess and that is a part of what makes you special and sets you apart.  

There will never, ever be another you. Wow! I hope you always remember that you are an original!

So why do we often work so hard at being a copy of someone else?  I want you to be the best You that You can be!

Celebrating your uniqueness helps you embrace the beauty of who you are and what you love!  In your journey through Miss Oklahoma and especially in life, I pray that you will seek to do what you love and what makes your heart leap for joy.

Our time on this earth is precious, so don’t waste one moment doing something that you don’t feel God calling you to do.   God has given you this time here on this earth so why not do something wonderful with it.

So “do what you love and love what you do,” is a great motto to live by!  Celebrate your life and whatever makes you, you.


For I knit you together in your mother’s womb.  I planned for your life.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139



Wednesday June 5, 2013

Not For Decorative Use Only

I bought the most beautiful tea set a while back and as I prepared to use it, I read on the bottom in bold print:

CAUTION – For decorative use only. NOT SAFE FOR FOOD. 

Really, I thought to myself, you have got to be kidding.  All these beautiful tea cups, saucers and a teapot and all I can do is look at them?  The label “For decorative use only,” stared me in the face and frankly it made me sad.

It made me think of God and that God did not create us for decorative use only.   No, we are not to just sit on the shelf of life to look pretty. We are to be used. We are not decorations of God’s divine creations.  On the contrary, we are to be used by Him.

Believers have to be tough.  They have to be strong and trust God that He will use us well.  We may even get dirty, scratched, hurt and broken along the way.

We are not born with a caution sticker or warning signs on us that says, “Do not use.” If anything, when we are “born again” the instructions say to “use generously” for anything God deems fit. That is how we will change the world, but not if we play it safe!

 If we are afraid to be used then we will never really be able to fully live for Jesus Christ or share the Gospel with others. But if we are willing to say,” Lord, here I am, use me,” now that is a different story.  So for some, that may mean the mission field, for others, market place ministry and for others homeless missions.  It may simply mean being bold sharing Christ’ love with those they meet, for some it may mean being a Godly mother or a wife. For some it may mean being Miss Oklahoma and even Miss America.

And like many queens, I so much prefer dressing up rather than dressing casual.  I love to wear beautiful clothes and to feel all put together.  I love shoes, purses and accessories too. They make me feel good. I hate to admit it, but I don’t really like to get dirty unless I am digging in the flower beds.   But I love to be used for Christ and as a Christian.  We must be willing to be real and if that means getting dirty then dirty it is.  

Jesus was friends with a wide-range of people – sinners, prostitutes, tax collectors, and the “unclean.”  Jesus was used! Jesus got dirty. Jesus was real. How about you?

We must be willing to walk the journey of life, but like real tea pots, not the decorative ones. We must be willing to be poured out in this life if we wish to make a difference.


May our prayer always be, “Lord Here am I use me!”

Thursday June 6, 2013

How Do Your Roots Look?

Yes, how do your roots look, my friend?  And, no, I do not mean your hair color or that your roots are showing!   I’m talking about the roots of your life and invite you to consider this, that growing down can be better than growing up!

Most of us spend a great deal of time thinking about growing up and growing old. We tend to focus on milestones rather than precious moments, and very little time is spent focused on growing down.  May I suggest that growing down is vital for our long-term success, overall well-being and ultimate joy.

What makes a tree strong is its roots. A tree’s roots can determine how tall, strong and long it will live. Soil conditions, water and light are also necessary for healthy growth.  On Saturday, you will read about how I love digging in the dirt alone and praying.  I do some of my best praying there.

When you dig in the soil of your heart, soul and mind, it helps us grow and identify areas we need to work on.  Trust me; I know this from years of experience.

A lot can be said for looking at our roots.  Plants that grow too fast or trees whose roots are too small will just topple over in a storm.  It can’t withstand rain, wind and storms. The same is true for a house built on a poor foundation like sand. 

So let me ask you, what are you building your life on! How do your roots look?

As women of God we must grow down and not just up. Our roots must be alive, strong and deeply rooted in healthy strong soil.  Just like a tree, we must be planted where we can receive plenty of water and light so we can bear good fruit.  Obviously, water is vital and necessary if you want trees and plants to flourish.  People are no different – we need certain things to flourish, too.  We need the Lord, and the word of God.  We also need praise, encouragement, love, support and appreciation.  They are like water to the human soul!  We must speak life-giving words to those we love, to others we hardly know and even to ourselves for that matter. The roots of our life are certainly our spiritual roots of faith, as well as those of relationships, family, talents, character and reputation. 

So, when the storms of life come, and they will, my friend, then you will be certain to withstand the difficult times you face. You must be rooted and planted deep in the soil of God’s word, His Love for you and the world as well as solid relationships and the belief that God has a divine purpose for you to fulfill here on earth!

So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.  And I pray that, you are rooted and established in love ~ Ephesians 3:17       Rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and over-flowing with thankfulness ~ Colossians 2:7

Friday June 7, 2013

It is Time to Get REAL, Really REAL!

God wants real, transparent, authentic and genuine women of God.  Our own Miss America, Lauren Nelson Faram, describes it as being unveiled with God and with others.  That is a beautiful and very visual image. We must be willing to put aside our insecurities and the concern of “what will people think about us?” We must get real and be real! As I said in the devotional on Monday, what make our individual stories powerful is their honesty and the ownership we have in them. 

Being real is about the willingness to be seen for who we truly are; broken, flawed but still special. We have all experienced hurt and pain over time and if it is not dealt with accordingly, then it can create long-term pain in our lives.  Recognize that our hurt is a part of our story, it is a part of our brokenness that makes us more beautiful to God and others.  Perfection is overrated and rarely, if ever, achieved. Rather it is an illusion.

Our brokenness and being real is very beautiful to God because God looks at the heart.  He uses our brokenness to give glory and honor and praise to His majesty. Yes, we will probably get hurt, broken, chipped and even worn out in this life, but we were designed to be real, especially for God to use us in the lives of others. He loves YOU for YOU!

Much like the precious skin horse in the timeless classic book, The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams, the skin horse reminds us what it is like to be used and to be real.  “It doesn’t happen all at once,” said the Skin Horse. You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept.  Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”

I want us to be real.  It is when we are “real” that God can use us best.  I also pray that you will surround yourself with others who want to be real and have genuine relationships too. If you have those friends, great, if not I urge you to seek out and find genuine and loyal friends.  If your friends don’t like the real you, well, then it might be time to re-evaluate those friendships. Stay true to yourself and ultimately to God!

Yes, we are flawed imperfect women of God, but God can use us in spite of ourselves and in our brokenness we are truly more beautiful and our story is more powerful.

So my hope for you is that you will be real, be real with yourself, real with others, and most of all real with the Lord.  We have only one opportunity to be used by God. It is true we may look a bit worn out, shabby and a bit tired at the end of our life’s journey, just like the skin horse.  But praise God we can be used by God.  Then we will be real, really, real and our story can impact the lives of others forever and lead others to Christ. Because we were willing to be REAL! 


Saturday June 8, 2013

 Digging In The Dirt Is Good For The Soul And

For The Heart Of A Queen

Digging in the dirt is one of the best things I can do for myself.  There are times I just have to let the laundry, mopping and the stuff of life go and put on a good old pair of garden gloves and start digging.
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We need to dig, dig, and dig in the dirt to our heart’s content.  It feels good, really good.  I do it when I need to think.  I need to pray.  I need to be alone.  When I need to work something out in my heart and soul, I often dig in the dirt and it allows me to dig into my soul.  The truth is that sometimes stepping into purpose and following our dreams requires us to dig deep in our soul.

There  were two women in my life that that  pretty much taught me everything I know about gardening and since then I have been determined to have a beautiful garden.  There’s something to be said for just good old determination.  Talent can only take you so far and then dedication, persistence and determination can make up the rest. The same can be said for gardening, pageants and almost anything in life.

You can learn a lot in your garden while digging in the dirt.

One thing I have found very important is you must have the right tools. It will make gardening easier and the same goes for life.  The right tools make life much easier.  The wrong tools make your life much more difficult. You could probably cut a branch down with a pocket knife, but it will take a long, long time and lots of frustration. Or, you could use a chain saw and knock it out in seconds. You also have to know the do’s and don’ts in a garden if you wish for the plants to last and to flourish and thrive.  A great gardening book is also invaluable and full of tips you will need. 

The same goes with life.  You can get by using the wrong tools, but the right tools make everyday life so much easier. A must have is a great bible that you actually open and read like a Life Application Bible.  And if you can’t apply it, you can’t live it. You also need to fill your life with Power Prayer Girls, women that you can count on to pray with you when you need it and even when you don’t.  Surround yourself with the right women, the ones I call the “Sacred Few,” the circle of friends that are there for you anytime, anywhere, anyplace.  Ask God to help you find them and be one yourself.  Make sure you have plenty of fruit in your life.  In fact, ask yourself, “am I fruity.” Plant the right fruit in your life and make sure is stays strong and is not choked out by weeds.  The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, steadfast and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23.  So at the end of the day you can say, “I was willing to say I got my hands dirty and that you allowed your life to be transformed by the hands of the master gardener.”


Sunday June 9, 2013

I Believe You Are Water-Walkers

Dear friends, what kind of women will you be? Will you be water- walkers? I believe those are the kind women you are.  In John Ortberg powerful book, “If You want To Walk On Water You Have To Get Out Of The Boat; He describes Peter as a water- walker.  I love the book because it is really about having great faith and trust in God.

The disciple Peter decided to experience life during a defining moment when he asked Jesus if he may walk on the water with Him. 

Peter was one who often acted first and thought later.  He was all up for it and he climbed out of the boat and while the others sat by and watched, Peter did walk on water.  It had to be an experience of a lifetime even if it was brief, for when he took his eyes off Jesus and saw the waves, he began to sink.  But for a moment he was a water- walker

You could, however, be the kind of women who stands or maybe sits by while others step out in faith, go after their dreams and in a sense walk on water or do whatever else they feel God is compelling them to do.  I believe you are water-walkers or you would not be here at Miss Oklahoma.  Indeed this week you got out of the boat and became water –walkers.

There are those who will observe life, sit by and watch others experience it and then there are those who will experience it and embrace it firsthand.

You are women of great faith and big dreams.  We all have a boat of some sort where we feel safe from life’s storms and troubles. But often we have to get out of that boat.

Will you continue to be water-walkers after Miss Oklahoma?  Success and failure are funny things.   The notion that one is good and the other is bad is not always correct.  Sometimes it is in the eye of the beholder.  Success and failure can be good or bad depending how we respond to them and what we choose to learn from them.

Peter realized his water-walking capacities that night were affected not just by the weather, but by fear. Peter did walk on water, but his ability to do so or not was dependent on where he focused his attention and whether he looked at Jesus or the storm and the waves he was walking on.  What a great lesson for all of us… 

Isn’t that just like us today?  We are much the same way, my friends.  Where do you set your gaze?  And who is your faith in? Is it in yourself and in your strengths that you possess? Is it in others and what they think your capabilities are? Or is it in Christ alone the one who created you and loves you just for who you are?


Here is what I think water- walkers see failure or success as an opportunity to grow.  The way I see it is when we take a risk, we try something new, whether failing at something or succeeding at it, we are giving ourselves a wonderful opportunity to grow, learn and mature in a way we had not before.  The same applies to this week.  You have had an opportunity to grow, mature, test your faith and expand your horizons and yes, be water-walkers.

And just to remind you who this water-walker I speak of named Peter was, he is the same disciple that feel asleep when Jesus asked his three closest disciples to pray for him while he was in the Garden of Gethsemane.  He was the same one who cut the ear of the soldier and the same one who denied Christ three times, But he is also the same one Jesus said upon this rock I will build my Church.  Jesus considered Peter a Rock!  God’s grace, mercy and even His faith in His children is amazingly humbling. As you can see, water- walkers are not perfect people and yes, probably a bit flawed.  But thank God, He uses us in spite of ourselves. 

My prayer for you, dear one, as you return home from this week at Miss Oklahoma, is that you will choose to continue to be water- walkers and keep your eyes on Jesus, whether you face success or failure, stormy seas or smooth sailing!


And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this Rock I will build my church and

The gates of Hell will not overcome it!

Matthew 16:18












This Prayer was seen posted on a Mirror in Austin, Texas… May it be a bit of inspiration, my sweet Friends!


Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is with you.  He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you.  He will quiet you with His love.  He will rejoice over you with singing.


Lord God, You have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us the faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that Your hand is leading us and Your love is supporting us.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray with confident assurance.







Go out into the world in peace

Have courage.

Hold onto the things that are good.

Do not return anyone evil for evil,

But give strength to those who are fainthearted.

Helping those who are afflicted,

Giving honor to all of God’s creation.

Go and love the Lord,

Rejoicing in the Power and the presence of His Holy Spirit.

Go in Peace.






Trust in the Lord with all your heart

Lean not on your own understanding

But in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path

Proverbs 3:4-7


For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord.  Plans for welfare and not for calamity, plans to give you a

 future and a hope.

 Jeremiah 29:11

Irish Blessing

May the blessing of light be upon you, light on the outside and light on the inside. With God’s sunlight shining on you, may your heart glow with warmth like a turf fire that welcomes friends and strangers alike.
May the light of the Lord shine from your eyes like a candle in the window, welcoming the weary traveler.
May the blessing of God’s soft rain be on you, falling gently on your head, refreshing your soul with the sweetness of little flowers newly blooming.
May the strength of the winds of Heaven bless you, carrying the rain to wash your spirit clean, sparkling after in the sunlight.
May the blessing of God’s earth be on you and as you walk the roads, may you always have a kind word for those you meet.
May you understand the strength and power of God in a thunderstorm in winter, the quiet beauty of creation and the calm of a summer sunset.
And may you come to realize that insignificant as you may seem in this great universe, you are an important part of God’s plan.
May He watch over you and keep you safe from harm.



Recommended Reading

Books That Can Bless You And Change Your Life!

The Life Application Holy Bible ~ God

Success Principles ~ Jack Canfield

Success Principles for Teens ~ Jack Canfield 

When A Women Discovers Her Dream ~ Cindi McMenamin

A Women’s Walk With God: Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit ~ Elizabeth George

Battlefield of the Mind ~ Joyce Myers

Oh, The Places You’ll Go ~Dr. Seuss

Everyone Needs A Sam ~ John A. Winters

A Gift From The Sea ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day ~ Mark Batterson

Just Enough Light For The Step I Am On ~ Stormie Omartian

In Pursuit Of Peace ~ Joyce Meyer

On Grief And Grieving ~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler

Success Is The Quality Of The Journey ~ Jennifer James, Ph.d.

What Guys, See That Girls Don’t … Or Do They? ~ Sharon Daugherty

The 20 Essential Qualities of An Authentic Christian ~ Warren W. Wiersbe

The Velveteen Rabbit  ~ Margery Williams





Tired Of Trying To Measure Up ~ Jeff VanVondereren

Good To Great ~ Jim Collins

Successful Women Think Differently ~ Valorie Burton

The 4:8 Principle ~ Tommy Newberry

Choosing To Live The Blessing ~ John Trent, PH.D

Unleash! Breaking Free From Normalcy ~ Perry Noble

A Short Guide To A Happy Life ~ Anna Quindlen

God, Girls And Getting Connected ~ Robin Marsh and Lauren Nelson  

God, Girls And Guys ~ Robin Marsh and Lauren Nelson

Perfect Lives Lies ~ Overcoming nine hidden beliefs that stand between you and a healthy life ~ Jennifer Crow

Knowledge is power and wisdom is life changing!  No doubt one of the best ways to grow as a person and gain abundant knowledge is through reading books and reading God’s word.  It is my hope that you will strive to be lifelong learners and have teachable spirits! I pray that you will seek to always grow in knowledge and stature.


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