Many years ago God called me to write.  Funny for a girl with dyslexia and a learning disability.

I remember right where I was and the book I felt God calling me to write. There were several faint wooings before this moment, but it was 2001 and The eldest SON of Thunder was four . He was sitting on my lap while I began to type the first words of that book.  I still have not written that book.  I have the title, the cover drawn out and most of the text is all finished.  In fact I have many notes and pictures for many books now.  Dreams can be hard to fulfill and making the time for them even harder.

Writing and spelling was always a struggle all the way through school.  Learning was anything but easy, yet, I made it through my Masters Degree and I loved it.  Just not all the tests!

“Difficult” and “hard” are not always bad things. Persistance and dedication are not bad things either.

When I would feel frustrated I would say to my mom, “How will I ever have a job where I have to write a lot?”  Ever the optimist she would  replied, “Oh Corby, you will have a secretary.”  She was always right. As most of you know, ironically, I married a writer.  God is good at throwing us a life line when we need it. He is even better at making a way to fulfill His purpose in us one way or another. Sometimes He has to work around us and sometimes He has to work around other people.  It just depends on who is in the way.

I am sharing this today because I would love your prayers. It is time to finish a book.  For the last several months I have spent hours working  on one particular book.  I have many now in my mind, heart and on paper since 2001,  But it is time to finally bring one to completion.  I feel it and I know it.  So that is what I have been doing.  The minute I returned from The Miss Oklahoma Pageant, I was back  at the final editing.  Winters has a dear friend that we feel will be perfect to help me make this a reality.  Again God’s, timing is perfect. He is never late but always right on time.  We are usually the ones dragging our feet so to say.

Dreams and fulling God’s call on our life does not always come easily.  But we must not give in or give up.   If it is your heart’s deepest longing and passion to do what God has created and called you to do  “Then I believe sister you gotta go for it!”

I feel God’s pleasure when I am coaching others and when I write, speak, create and paint!

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You must be unwavering in your faith and commitment to your dream, your passion and your purpose.  You must keep your eye on the prize and the goal – whatever that may be for you. Fulfilling God’s call on your life will also not be easy.  But God did not call us to an easy life, He called us to greatness!

Sometimes you must be willing to lay the dream down for a season or for a time.  That season might feel like an eternity, but the purpose is never gone.  God will give you the courage to lay the dream down until He can raise it up out of the ashes.

You may have a different dream God has put on your heart …

I would love to know what that dream is and pray with you for God to fulfill it in your life.  Please feel free to email me, leave a  comment or reach out to me on Facebook.  But sharing your dreams and passions with others stirs the flames of faith in our hearts and keeps the dream alive.  I would love to pray for you and I would appreciate your prayers as well as we continue to step into our purpose!

Whatever God has called you to do, do it and do it well! Do it with confidence, passion and determination.  Don’t give up on your dream, I promise you God certainly hasn’t.  He believes in you when no one else will.

So on this Thankful Thursday I pray that we can all be obedient to the call that God has placed on our hearts and I am confident that the Lord is saying “Hang in there dear one!  I see the finish line right ahead.”

Be blessed and encouraged on this Thankful Thursday as we celebrate our dreams, our passion and purpose and we don’t give up on God’s call on our life whatever that may be!

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