On this Thankful Thursday I was thinking about The Little Black Dress’ Short Guide to A Just Too Fabulous and Healthy You.  I thought about the fact that  I started writing it out of  my desire to help women learn life lessons from my perfectly imperfect life.

My dear friends, I wish I could say my life wasn’t as wacky and imperfect as it is.  I wish there were times I was all put together – including my home – but if you follow my blog you know that is anything but accurate.  I struggle with some of the simplest things in everyday life, such as keeping my house straighten up!  I think there are times I am pretty darn good at it and then other times, well, that would be a resounding No!

I wish  could say that on any given day if you dropped by the Winters World, you would find a spotless house.  But that is just not the case.

I am confident that keeping a house neat and organized is a gift. I am sure it truly a gifting.

It was not my mother’s gift and now I am certain it is not mine.   Ironically, I inherited all my mother’s books on how to organize her home and keep it clean and I have a few great ones of my own.  But the great news is this, that is just a part of my perfectly imperfect life and my story.

In the last several weeks I have been dealing with school supplies, purging clothes that the SONs no longer fit and gather things to send to my cousin whose home burned to the ground.  The other day the house looked particularly wacky,  like a tornado had blown through or maybe it was World War 5 at The Winters World!

But in the midst of the craziness I managed to mop the floors, change the litter, shampoo the carpet in three rooms, work on the Power Prayer Girls Guide, clean the toilets, send out follow-up emails to four colleagues, washed three loads of laundry, made dinner in the crock pot and took the SONs to karate.  Now I was thinking to myself, Woo Hoo!! Sister that was a great day in The Little Black Dress’ book.  I am sure all you moms can relate to days like that and no wonder I was tired, right?

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So the bottom line to this Thankful Thursday story is that sometimes we must accept ourselves for just who we are as we strive to be better than we currently are.

I am flawed my friends.  I struggle with imperfections like most of us do.   I suppose those imperfections give us the opportunity to learn grace, compassion and mercy for not only others but also toward ourselves.  Yes, I have cobwebs, I have several stacks of stuff  that mock me.  I do have stacks, but I also have a beautiful home  full of beautiful charming SONs and a husband that has learned sometimes he must show The Dress more grace and compassion then he is used to.

I now too have even more grace and compassion for my mother.  I wish we could have a cup of tea and talk about it, the clutter, the hurt, the pain and the shame associated with it.  I feel her pain and hurt  and her the inability to get organized for all those long years. Maybe you have people in your life that you too wish you could understand their life from their persecptive.  If they are still living then I urge you to call them to have tea. Listen to their story and try to understand their pain.  I am also reminded though that mom was not defined by her clutter, but by her love and compassion for others.  She was not defined by her mess but by those she blessed.

As I reflect on my home, my stacks and my own bit of clutter I wonder if my mother was able to show more compassion because of the deep hurt and shame of never conquering her stuff.  If could have had tea today that would probably be what I would have asked her. Then I would have held her hand and told her how much I loved her anyway.  In spite of it all she was amazing.

In order to truly live a healthy life we must all ask the Lord in the mighty name of  Jesus to take those issues of our life, our hearts and even our homes and help us conquer those things that keep us in bondage.  That is my prayer, dear friends and other fellow little Black Dress’ and to any fellow clutterist!



  1. 8-16-2013

    Oh Corby, so many of us can relate to this story I’m sure! Some days I will have spent the whole day trying to keep the kids occupied, fed, gone to the grocery store, etc., etc., and then Steve will walk in the door and say – “Who left the garage door open??!!” Men don’t get it how much work is involve in keeping up a home and taking care of kids. Things will never be “perfect”, and that’s OK! Hang in there!

    • 8-18-2013

      Loved this so I tweeted it! Thank you my friend. You are right we have to keep it all in perspective!! And organization is so overrated!! Ha Ha

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