Some weeks are just hard, some days are just hard too.  Okay, frankly, sometimes life is just plain hard, isn’t it?

And there is nothing wrong with being honest and admitting that sometimes we struggle, even on Thankful Thursdays.  To act as though life were easy would be to me dishonest.  And I, my friends, am about being as real, honest and as authentic as I can possibly be with you considering the whole world may read this blog!

If you have heard me once, you have heard me say twice,  that as of late, it often feels as though we have been pushing rocks up a hill.

Life is impacted by many things  and sometimes it is …


Job Loss

Congressional Shutdowns

Mortgage  Rates


and even just good old puberty, Oh yes, I hope that makes you laugh right about now!

But the list can go on and on and on …

Rebuilding a life is never easy, it’s almost always hard.

As Scott M. Peck said in the first  line of a Road Less Traveled, “Life is hard.”  For Winters and I, life has been hard.

Peck’s line has been our reality.

But in the midst of hard times, we live, experience life and celebrate wonderful moments.

If we chose too, we can grow closer to our spouses and to God during difficult times.  Struggles make us stronger, that is what my Dad always said and I believe he was indeed correct.
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Life is all about seasons.  There is a time to plant.  A time to reap.  A time to refrain.  A time to tear down and a time to build up.

I think of my father who lost almost everything in 1979 and rebuilt his life and family stronger and better than before as a great example for not just me but for all of us.  If he could do that, then so can Winters and I – and so can you!   I know from whom my strength comes and that God is truly our provision.  I pray you look to Him for your strength,  hope and provision as well.

My dear friends if on this Thankful Thursday you find yourself standing before the Lord empty-handed with only a mite to give Him I pray you trust that you know that God cares deeply for you and your needs.  That He honors your faithfulness to your calling and your time, talents and treasures.  But if you are burdened with debt, lack of resources and feeling at the end of your rope, please remember He will never leave you or forsake you.

Our struggles do make us stronger, stronger men and women of God and couples as we journey through the desert we are in.  If you are in or have been in captivity, I pray you celebrate this new season of your life as you walk through the Red Sea to the Promised Land together.  I pray that you feel the winds have shifted!

So friends on this Thankful Thursday,  if you are in need emotionally, spiritually, physically or financially, I pray that you press into the Father, the maker of heaven and earth and remember He knows your every need.  You are a treasure safe in His arms and YOU will get through this season of life.  God will restore what the locust have stolen and we will shout for joy together when that day comes.

Thoreau once said, Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you imagined!

I love this quote!!!   It is a powerful statement: We must be confident when setting out after our dream to rebuild our lives.  But more than a dream, we need a vision and a plan. Oh and yes we need confidence and courage galore, especially when you feel all alone in the desert.    We must also go in the direction of the dream, the plan and our purpose.  We won’t achieve our dream if  we do not set our eye on the prize.  We must see it very clearly in our heart and minds.  Imagine how you  will get there and what it will be like when we do!

Set your heart and mind on fulfilling God’s call on your life. Then go after it with all your heart, soul and mind.  And when struggles come, and they will, remember that they will – and are-  making you stronger.

Remember my dear friends that rebuilding a life is never easy.

You must set out to get there on purpose!

So to create the life you have always dreamed of , you will need a plan!

Start today… May I suggest you write down just a short note to yourself and clarify your dream, but more importantly your vision!  Then list 5 to 10 things you will need to do to get you on your way to fulfilling your purpose and rebuilding your life!

Then sister, go after rebuilding  that life!

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly today as you start fulfilling God’s call on your life and commit to get on your  purpose!!!


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