Today on this Thankful Thursday Thanksgiving day, I pray  it is easy for you to know what to give thanks for and have a heart of gratitude.

Giving thanks for family, friends, food and faith is a great place to focus our attention and heart.

I pray your day will be filled with laughter, music, friends, family, food and  most of all great memories.

Happy Thanksgiving from Corby Winters

Happy Thanksgiving from Corby Winters

Holidays can be crazy and a bit stressful.  But in the midst of all of it we must always  find time to relax, breathe and to be ourselves.

Remember the reason for the season and continue to be thankful for your many blessings not just today but all year-long!

To live a great life we must live an authentic and real life.  We can even celebrate our perfectly imperfect life!

Holiday’s can be hectic. Frankly, life is hard and so can everyday life.    Sometimes we feel compelled to be someone we’re not because we think others will like us more.  Bottom line is, be YOU.

True friends will like you no matter what…..   Only YOU can be the best YOU that YOU can be!!  Remember there is nothing cooler than being yourself.  Anyone can be a copy, but only you can be you.

So on this Thankful Thursday Thanksgiving Day remember to be … YOU!
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Whether rich or poor, small house or large, one car or two, employed or unemployed.  I hope today you Embrace your Life.  Celebrate the moments of your life!   It may not be perfect, but what is really perfect anyway.   This is your life. Remember you are special.   Treasure the small things.  Embrace the moment.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Let things go and remember life is short.  You do not know where you will be tomorrow, let alone next year.  So savor the moment!

The Thanksgiving Dinner will get finished, the house will look good, laundry will get done and all the dust bunnies will be caught.  Really being together with family and friends is the most important thing any way.

Thanksgiving is about family … It’s about friends.  It’s about Love.  And at the center of Life it is about Christ and His love for us.

We are blessed in many ways as I know you are as well.

Thank you for being my friends and apart of my life.  Thank you for following my journey at  and Pure Empowerment Coaching International and for reading Thankful Thursdays and my other weekly posts!

Thank you for supporting me, Winters and the SONs with your love,  kind words, emails, letters and facebook comments!

Dear friends, on this Thanksgiving day thank you for being a special gift to many, especially me!

Remember dear friends most of all, you are loved by the Savior of the World.  May you feel the Lords blessings this Holiday Season and all the year long.

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly as we live our real and authentic perfectly imperfect  life!

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