For as long as I can remember, I have tried to devote Thursday’s as a cleaning day.

For the last two weeks The SONs and I have been cleaning out and letting go of stuff.  It feels fabulous to let go.  It all started with The SONs and you can read all about it this weeks Teen Tuesdays.  But in the effort to let go we have made a bit of a mess.  So this Thankful Thursday started off by throwing on my oldest, most unattractive clothes and cleaning the toilets.

Trust me you can also learn a lot upside down scrubbing toilets, too.  I am always grateful that God can speak to me just about anywhere and that I can talk to God in equally the same manner.

I do some of my best praying while cleaning and it is a great way to keep me from grumbling about the mess The SONs have made.  So as I clean, I always give thanks that I have an indoor toilet to clean. Really, I do.  I give thanks that I have arms and hands to scrub with as well.  I usually thank God that through cleaning I am serving The Sons and Winters.  

Now just so you know The SONs also do toilets too, but I just can’t let them run amuck with the Clorox or I will be in big trouble.  Let’s be honest – a man who can’t clean a toilet is not a good thing.  Men must know how to do certain things in life and toilets are just one that I think is pretty high on the list.

As I clean I pray for God’s blessing over our home.  For God’s peace to fill it and that our house will be a place where friends and family can experience the loving touch of our Savior Jesus Christ. Me included!  I often pray that the things and responsibilities of this world do not distract me from the real and important things of God.

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I want more out of life with less in it!  So I have moved all over the house gathering the stuff we were all ready to let go of.  This week has felt incredible as I have let go of so many things that are no longer serving us well. But the best part of all is that our things will bless others.

So as you let go the old I urge to make  your cleaning day multi-purpose.  Because cleaning day can not only be good for your house it is also really good for your soul.  Why not make house cleaning a time to get real with God and ask Him to clean us up as well.

A self-examined heart is a good thing and when you are upside down cleaning toilets that is as good of place as any to ask God what areas of your life might need a little work.

So on this Thankful Thursdays, here’s to less stuff, clean floors, clean toilets, clean clothes and most of all, clean hearts!

Be blessed and encouraged abundantly on this Thankful Thursday as we live a self-examined life one; that is holy and blameless before the Lord!

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