Dear Miss Oklahoma Contestants and Miss Oklahoma Outstanding Teens,

I know you are all so excited to be here and I too am thrilled!

I am so excited about this week ahead and want you to know how honored I am to be your Chaplain and spend this week with each of you.  Every year I am more and more overwhelmed by the honor of spending a week with you, praying for you and journeying with you in this specific season of your life.

 It is certainly a dream come true for me.  While I am here this week at the pageant I want to serve you in whatever capacity you may need whether that be as your spiritual guide, mentor, prayer warrior, advisor or whatever else you may need. Again, I could not be more grateful and excited about this opportunity.

I want you to know I have been praying for all of you for many months, believing that God will guide, direct and use you this week at the pageant and also use you in a mighty way as you serve and bless the communities you represent.  I know God is using you as you touch people all around you and He will continue to use you throughout your lifetime.  There is no doubt in my mind that you will leave a legacy just like all the other countless contestants that have preceded you!

Life is so short my sweet friends and what we do with our time here on earth will impact the lives of others forever.  I pray you take every opportunity to savor this week and celebrate the time you have with those around you.  I also pray that you already know deep inside your heart that you are already a Queen.  Never forget you arrived with a crown and you will all leave with one. 

I pray you know that you are an important, precious, valuable and significant part of God’s plan!   Be blessed and encouraged abundantly as you trust God to fulfill His purpose in you and through you. I pray you live life in your passion, purpose and joy!

Long may you reign my sweet friends!

Corby Carlin Winters, M.A.


Miss Oklahoma Chaplain



Pure Empowerment Coaching International, LLC

Empowerment Principles for The Miss Oklahoma Week 

BE PRESENT ~Give everything you have to this moment, this day and this week.  This part of your life story and this moment will never happen again in history.

BREATH~ Take a deep breath as often throughout the day. It can relax you and help you gather your thoughts. 

RELAX ~ You made it to Miss Oklahoma. Let yourself relax a little bit and savor the moment.

REST ~ Rest is critical. If you are a singer you need to rest your voice and not talk. Close your eyes for a moment and listen to relaxing music. Rest and renewal are so important during Miss O to ensure stamina for the entire week.

CELEBRATE ~ Celebrate this moment for you have arrived where you set out to go. Experience this moment for all it is worth.

TRUST IN YOURSELF ~ Do not doubt yourself for where doubt resides confidence cannot. Trust God and trust yourself.  Trust in your abilities, gifting and preparation for this week.

BE CONFIDENT ~ Be confident that God, who has started a good work in you, will bring it to completion

DREAMS ~This week is a perfect time to embrace your dreams and to believe in them.  It is also a perfect time to discover new dreams and to assess the old ones.

GIVE THANKS ~ Give thanks to the many family and friends who have helped you get here. Strive to have a grateful, humble and appreciative heart.

SEEK TO SERVE, NOT TO JUST BE SERVED ~ Nurture a heart that seeks to give to others and not just receive. Who is more blessed, the one who is served or the one who serves?

LET GO OF WORRY ~ The bible says that worrying cannot add single moment to your life.  So I would ask you to leave the cares of this world behind you.  Set them at the foot of the cross if you will. Invite the Lord to be here this week with you at the pageant and most of all that He will be in your heart and live and fulfill His peace and purpose in you and through you this week.

BE INTENTIAL WHERE YOU FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION~ During every phase of competition give it 100% of your attention.  But more importantly than just being technically correct and perfect, I want to encourage you to connect with your audience.  Allow them to have an experience and move them to feel what you feel. Focus energy on connecting to those around you, especially during your talent competition. 


INVEST IN RELATIONSHIPS ~ Take time to make friends this week! You are in the perfect place to find some lifelong friendships.  My desire is that you will develop friends that will stand beside you and face your future, and “giants” with you. These committed friends say things like,” how can I help,” and “what can I do,” or simply,” I’m here for you”….  These words speak hope and encouragement.  I strive to be that kind of friend and I hope you do too. 

WHAT A TRUE FRIEND LOOKS LIKE ~ I call true friends “The Circle of the Sacred Few” for many reasons but these are the friends that you can call at moment’s notice and if you are in a crisis they are there for you.  They will stop everything, right in the middle of whatever they are doing, even turn around in the middle of the road and go to your aid. These are the women who do not ask why do you need me, but simply ask where do you need me. These are the friends you can trust with your innermost secrets.  They know your greatest fears and craziest aspirations. But they are women who will walk through life’s journey with you. You want these friends in your inner circle.  They are loyal, trustworthy, brave and kind-hearted, full of wisdom and support.  Sometimes they even show up with food, but they are always ready to encircle you in prayer! 

WHAT TRUE WOMEN FRIENDS DO FOR EACH OTHER ~These loyal women are critical in your life no matter how old you are.  They are the ones that inspire you to greatness and encourage you to be more than you are. You must make the time to be with these women.  These are critical to your health and happiness.  These women will listen to the details of your life. They will stand by you and again, they will have your back and be by your side through thick and thin.  Find and identify your Circle of the Sacred Few and keep them close, because they will be a blessing to you the rest of your life.

LEARNING TO LET GO OF THE OLD ~ When I say, letting go, I don’t mean letting go of some shoes to make room for new shoes.  No, I mean God wants all of us to shake off all the things that are keeping us down and holding us back. He wants you to walk in confidence and freedom and fulfill your unique calling. Some of you may think you don’t have a call on your life but I am certain you do!  He has great and mighty plans for you.  It is a plan only you can fulfill.  Let go of regret and anything that makes you crazy; such as the things you said or did not say or what you did or did not do or what they did to you or did not do to you and so on.  If this week you have something that is bothering you or seems to be bringing you down.  Now is perfect time to ask God to help you let go of that strong hold! And Move on Sweet Sister!  I am happy to stop everything and pray with you, just ask me!

A BIT MORE ON LETTING GO ~ If there is some part of the week you look back on with regret,  Really ”let it go” and move on.  I once heard it said that regret is just something in the past crippling you in the future. If you did not like how the interview went, or you are questioning your gown choice, or you’re not happy with a preliminary night, now is not the time to keep on dwelling on that and thinking too much about it.  Let me say it again, the bottom line is, move on! And if someone hurt your feelings, now is not the time to dwell on that hurt either, now is time to forgive them.  This will make you feel better emotionally, spiritually and physically!

KNOW WHO YOU ARE ~ We must be real with God, others and ourselves.  It is in our authentic realness and transparency that we experience personal and spiritual freedom.  This, dear sweet friends, is true freedom.  To know who you are in Christ, and to confidently walk in His shelter, provision and outpouring, is simply awesome.   To experience this kind of freedom takes courage, confidence and faith in Jesus Christ. These are the key components that strengthen our character. This is when we learn to say, “Lord I am going to trust you no matter what.”  It is having confidence in Christ and who He has created and called you and I to be.

EMBRACE YOUR LIFE ~ To fully live life we must be willing to embrace our lives and seek to live a full, healthy, whole, and fulfilled life.  To be truly empowered women of God you must Embrace our Life! Your gifts, your talents and your uniqueness are gifts from God and we must spend our life celebrating our uniqueness and quit trying to fit in. 

YOU HAVE ONE LIFE ~ What will you do with this one life God has given you my dear sweet friends and what will your legacy be? This is a great question to ask yourself often.

THE POWER OF PRAYER ~If you don’t pray very much this might be a great time to start.  The Miss Oklahoma pageant week is long and arduous.  Praying will certainly sustain you as well as allow God the opportunity to guide you. Just make time to talk to God and share with Him your joys, fears, concerns, victories and whatever else you want too.  He loves to hear from you.

HOW PRAYER WORKS ~ One of the greatest ways to impact your own life and the lives of those around you is through becoming a mighty prayer warrior.  Throughout time, God has used prayer to change countless lives and situations.  He continues to change people today and He uses us to pray for others to help bring about that change.  It may not come easy to you at first and you might even be embarrassed to pray for yourself and others, but I am telling you from  firsthand experience, miracles are right around the corner if  we begin to pray for whatever it is we need and those around us as well.

DREAM BIG ~Sometimes we have a tendency to set small goals so we feel we can ensure we can achieve it. That can be a good thing as long as you then set bigger goals.  Sometimes parents will do the same with their children in an effort to help protect from not being hurt by life’s disappointments, subconsciously urge their children to dream small dreams without realizing they are encouraging them to aim low.  Dreaming, believing and imagining are great things, but they take courage and bravery!  Have A Dream ~  Vision ~ Plan ~ Purpose!  I want you to have big faith and great courage and I say, DREAM BIG!

GO FOR IT~ This week at Miss Oklahoma is not the time to hold anything back!  Instead, give yourself and everything you have to every phase of competition and every moment! I am certain that is what God wants you to do.  He wants you to live life to its fullest and you can’t do that holding back and the Miss Oklahoma week is no different!  Give it all you got, ladies and have the time of your life!



Sunday, June 1, 2014

 You Are The Gift!

I always want each of you to remember that you are a precious gift to God.  No matter what happens in your life it will not change how much God loves you.  You can’t earn his love or win it.  It is simply a gift you and you my friend are a beautiful gift to God.

Some of you may remember this story but it is my favorite and I wanted to begin by sharing this special story again.  I am certain it is a perfect way to start our devotional.

I pray by now you all know you are beautiful young women.  You each possess many gifts and talents.

But sometimes we can get so caught up in our gifts and our talents, our looks, our degrees, our titles and our credentials that we forget we are simply special to God because He created us.  We do not have to earn God’s love.   He just loves because He loves us for who we are.

I was once talking to my dear friend Reverend Jerry Toops, sharing with him some of the areas in which I felt I was gifted.  I was, however, a bit frustrated that I had not found a place to use those gift and talents.

Reverend Toops just looked at me and said some of the most life changing and powerful statement I had ever heard.

This comment truly revolutionized my view of our significance in the scheme of things.

Here is what he said “You are gifted Corby, but more importantly you are the gift.” I will never forget those words.

Wow! Think about it, You Are The Gift!!

God made you and has a plan for your life.  You are a gift to Him simply because He created you. I would not have been surprised if confetti and balloons had fallen from the ceiling.

This a powerful statement because it reminds us that you are a creation straight from the hands of the creator of the Universe.  You are a gift to the world from the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings.

He loves you for you, not for what you’ve done or who’ll you becomes but for simply being YOU!!

I hope today and every day that follows you will never forget that You are the Gift!

You are special and loved by God simply by being alive.

Remember You Are The Gift!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

You Are a Light in a Dark World

I LOVE Matthew 5:16:

“You are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.

“Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house,

in the same way you let your light shine before men,

that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven!”

Pageant Queens stand out in the crowd, not just because they are beautiful but because most of them have that “It” factor we all talk so much about.  They also have charisma, great energy and most of all they SHINE!

“Her Light Bulb is on,” is what my mom would say if someone had an amazing personality or was just really on fire for Jesus. Yes, I believe she was right, some people simply Glow!  But I think my mom was right, you either are a light or you’re not.

Today, I want to remind you that you are a light to everyone you come in contact with, especially your “Stars.”

Let your light shine!  Let your LIFE shine like a beacon for the entire world to see that we have a hope and a future.

The world is looking to see how we handle life’s struggles and challenges, the highs as well as the lows in our life. Yes, that includes the wins and the losses.

You are a role model and an example for others to follow.

It is simply up to you what kind of role model you want to be. Young men and women today have role models who are anything but true super models for Christ, so you have an opportunity to lead by example.

You also have the opportunity to be a blessing to those you encounter by simply letting your beautiful life shine.  My prayer for you today is that you will be a wonderful beautiful role model and the world will see you shine not just this week but all the days of your life.

Remember you are like a city set on a hill and you are a quite beautiful one at that!

So You Glow Girl!





Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Be The Best YOU that YOU Can Be

This week is about all about you being you.

Now, read very closely what I just said, “This week is about You being You,” I did not say, “This is all about YOU.”  Those are very different phrases.   As a contestant and queen it can get very easy to slip into a “me-centered” thought pattern.  As a pageant queen so many people are catering to your every need.

However, I do believe 100% that God made you an original!  He does not need you to be a copy of someone else. The best part of being your best YOU is to truly be YOU! No one in the world is exactly like you.  How incredible is that.

To be your best is to be real, transparent, authentic and genuine women of God, contestants, friends, daughters, and sisters.

Put aside insecurities and the “what will people think” mentality and just celebrate your talents and gifts! If you have been to the pageant before, then put last year behind you!  God wants to work in you and through you, to impact the world, especially through the gifts that you possess and the life you lead.  As a counselor and life coach, I have worked with countless women who are bound up by insecurity, fear and doubt.  Pageant Queens are not immune to these issues of the heart either.  Sometimes they are just disguised behind a beautiful gown.  But these fears limit you in being able to fully accept yourself and fulfill your calling.

I want you to be the best you that you can possibly be and that is so much easier when your focus is not on how well “you” think someone else is doing but keeping your focus on being your best.

In life we will meet many people who may be better than us in certain areas.  God loves you for you and God uses our perfectly imperfect lives and our imperfection.  We are better used by God because we are real.  Honestly, who really wants to listen to someone who appears to have a perfect life anyway.

Yes, we are flawed imperfect women of God, but God can use us in spite of ourselves and in our brokenness we are beautiful!

My hope for you is that you will not focus your attention on other contestants and who might have a better evening gown, better talent, better anything.  Rather I want you to focus on you coming to do this and to do your very best.  Be real with yourself and real with others.  I want you to stay committed to your values, your character, your true inner self and ultimately seek to please God and not be a people pleaser.


Psalms 139

God knit you together in your mother’s womb and He planned for your life

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

 You’re Story Matters

Sometimes we think the stories of our lives don’t always matter, everything from the insignificant things to the significant.  But God has entrusted each of us with our own unique, special story.

Our stories are marked by our life experiences and this week will forever be a part of your life story.  Our stories are ours alone and unlike anyone else’s.  This week I pray you will share your life story with those around you and listen to theirs as well. The pageant experience will now be a special part of your life story.  How it is weaved into the threads of the fabric of your life remains to be seen.  But it will be forever an important part of your life.

Whether or not you become Miss Oklahoma, Miss America or Miss Anything, does not make your story any less important.

I am confident that God wants to use all of our stories, every part of them; the highs and lows, successes and failures, good moments as well as bad and yes, even sometimes the ugly and the wacky, to show His amazing steadfast love for each of us.

For most of us we only want to share the best parts of our story.  Frankly, I completely understand that. Who really wants to share our least impressive moments? The reality is that God wants to use all of our stories; the best moments and yes, our least impressive moments as well.

My life story will touch someone’s life where yours may not and your life story may speak to someone that I could never connect with. God uses our stories for His glory and to connect us to others, to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as to bless and give hope to others.

Remember, no one can tell your story quite like you can because you lived it. When we share our story with honesty, authenticity God is glorified in all of it … The good, the bad, the wacky and yes, even the ugly.

So let your life SHINE for the entire world to see God’s majesty and use all of your story for His Glory!


God Has Entrusted You With A Story, A Story Which Can Change Lives.

 So Share Your Story!





Thursday, June 5, 2014

What is True Greatness?


What is true greatness?

We live in a society that has confused true greatness with fame, power, money, sex appeal, and yes, even a crown.  In a culture that craves more and souls cry out for more and are rarely satisfied, I pray that you will be satisfied and God will fulfill all your needs and fulfill your desires. But most of all I pray you know that you are enough.

True greatness is really not about fame, power, money or any of those things at all.  I know you more than likely know this, however, you can’t imagine how many women I have coached who have gotten caught up in the trap of seeking the wrong things to satisfy their mind, body and souls.

Yes, true greatness is in a person, it is in your choices and in the character of who you are.

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One of my favorite movie quotes was this, “Greatness, no matter how brief, stays with you,” This week at the pageant will stay with you for years to come.  I see greatness in all of you, the dream, the vision and the purpose that God will surely fulfill in you if you surrender your life to him.

The Miss Oklahoma title will not make you great. It is how you live your life reigning as Miss Oklahoma and the example that you lead that will make you a great Miss Oklahoma.  Yes, people may remember your gown or the song you sang, but I hope we would all agree, we want to be remembered for the life we led, the love we showed and the lives we touched for Christ.   Now that is true greatness and a legacy worth leaving.

And when you have an encounter with true Godly people our lives are impacted.  But when you have encounter with Jesus you will never ever be the same!  Once we place our confidence in Jesus Christ and Him alone, we can then be bold and confident in our calling, confident in our purpose and confident in our gifts. Again, this is not pride or selfish ambition, but is a celebration and confidence that our talents, our gifts, our passions and our pursuits can be used to lead others boldly to the throne of Jesus Christ!

You are all unbelievably talented, gifted, beautiful, fit and FabYOUlous women of God!! You are true queens on the inside and on the outside.




Friday, June 6, 2014

God Gives us Opportunity

This week God is giving you an opportunity.   I love the movie, Evan Almighty, and I believe it ties into your week at Miss Oklahoma and here is how.

For those of you who have never seen the movie, Evan is a former news anchor who becomes a congressman.  He sets out to change Washington and ultimately hopes to change the world.  Soon after arriving in D.C., his wife asks for God’s help to make their family closer and she suggests that if Evan wants to change the world, he too might want to pray to God.  So Evan does ask God to help him change the world. Soon God appears and asks Evan to build an ark.

Well, needless to say everyone thinks Evan has flat-out lost his mind and frankly, it does look like it from long hair to robes to the construction of a gigantic ark. Funny thing is Evan’s wife prayed for the family to be close and they were.  The boys were hanging out with their dad more than ever building this massive ark and having loads of fun with all the animals too.

There are several wonderful lessons from Evan Almighty

Lesson one.  Don’t ask God or pray to God to help you do something if you do not really want it!

Lesson Two: Sometimes happiness doesn’t look anything like we thought it would.  

Lesson Three: God gives us opportunity to be changed people and if you pray to be changed, He may just bring you the opportunity, to go along with it!

Yes, lesson three is beautifully illustrated when “God” in the movie appears as a waiter, to Evan’s wife who is distraught about how wacky her life has become. She has taken their three Sons and left Evan.  “God” presents the following questions to Evan’s wife.

“Let me ask you something, if someone prays for patience do you think God gives them patience or does he give them the opportunity to be patient.  And if they pray for courage does God make than courageous or does God give you the opportunity to be courageous. And if someone prayed for the family to be close do you think that God zaps them with warm fuzzy feeling or does he give them the opportunity to love each other.” Wow! I love this.

This week at the pageant you will have opportunity after opportunity to grow and experience times to live out the gospel. We are given opportunities all the time. I love this because God does give us the opportunity to be loving, to be courageous, to be forgiving, to be honest, to be ourselves, to be vulnerable, to be thankful, to be gracious, to be kind and so much more. But what you do with these opportunities is up to you and me.

As women of God, reigning Queens, future Miss Oklahoma’s, Miss Oklahoma’s Outstanding Teen’s, as friends, and one day wives and mothers and who knows what else.  God will give you opportunities all the time!  Remember sometimes our prayers will be answered in ways we never will expect. They will appear in totally different ways as well. Be ready, be open, be expectant for whatever God has for you my sweet dear friend!

Saturday, June 7, 2012

Be Bold, Strong and of Good Courage


It is here, Saturday night!

It is certainly time to hold nothing back!  Be bold and be brave, dear sweet friends. Declare in your heart and to others the dreams and gifts God has given you to share with the world.

You have worked hard and whatever tonight holds remember that most of all God holds you in His hands and you are safe in the cross of Christ.

Walk on that stage with confidence and courage and share your gifts, your talents and purpose with great pride in the name of the Giver of the Gifts, Jesus Christ!!!

Ephesians says, “when you have done all else stand and stand firm.”  I pray tonight that you remember that you have done all you can to get to this moment in time.  So it is time to stand firm, confident and unwavering.

I pray this week God will help you have eyes to see the true dreams that you dream and that you will have ears to hear His small voice speaking to you, guiding you and leading you each and every step you take.

Bask in the moment as you experience the love and support that comes from the crowd and those that came to support you as your dream of being at The Miss Oklahoma Pageant comes true. God has great plans for you! Bigger plans than you could ever imagine.  Be brave and courageous and trust God with your life and your story.

Your life matters!

You will leave legacy!

You will be forever be remembered!




Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine,        according to His power that is at work in us.

 Ephesians 3:20

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Celebrating A New Day

My dear sweet friend,

This morning you woke up as a queen. Ok, I know one of you holds the Miss Oklahoma title and one the Miss Oklahoma Outstanding Teen.

But I so want you to know that you are a queen and princess in the eyes of so many, many people. I pray today is a great day for all of you whether you are wearing the crown on your beautiful head as Miss Oklahoma or not.  You are still a winner! Remember you came with a crown and you will return home with one!

It has been my honor and privilege to serve as your Chaplain this week and I pray you had a wonderful experience.

I want you to be encouraged as you return home today. Most of all whether you are wearing the Miss Oklahoma Crown or not, I am confident that God is going to fulfill his purpose in you and through you if you seek His guidance.

Thoreau once said; Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined!

I love this powerful statement for many reasons:

We must be confident when setting out after our dreams. Confidence and courage are so important.   We must go in the direction of the dream.  You won’t achieve your dream if you do not set your eye on the prize.  We must see it very clearly in our heart and minds.  Imagining how you will get there and what it will be like when we do!

Set your heart and mind on fulfilling God’s call on your life. Then go after it with all your heart, soul and mind.

You must set out to get there on purpose.

When you return home I am sure there will be a lot of reflection.  That can be a good thing, but only if you come out the other side with more perspective and understanding. I believe you will have more insight and perspective if you seek honest open feedback  from others you trust and especially trust the Lord for guidance.  You may look back on this week and wish things had turned out differently, I too have wished some of the events in my  past could have been different, but they we weren’t and if they were different I would probably not be here serving as your Chaplain. So dear ones, trust in the Lord with all your hearts and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge the Lord and He will direct your path.

I pray God blesses and keeps you, that He makes His face to shine upon you                       and is gracious unto you and gives you peace

This Prayer was seen posted on a Mirror in Austin, Texas… May it be a bit of inspiration, my sweet Friends!


Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is with you.  He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you.  He will quiet you with His love.  He will rejoice over you with singing.


Lord God, You have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us the faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that Your hand is leading us and Your love is supporting us.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray with confident assurance.




Go out into the world in peace

Have courage.

Hold onto the things that are good.

Do not return anyone evil for evil,

But give strength to those who are fainthearted.

Helping those who are afflicted,

Giving honor to all of God’s creation.

Go and love the Lord,

Rejoicing in the Power and the presence of His Holy Spirit.

Go in Peace.



Irish Blessing

May the blessing of light be upon you, light on the outside and light on the inside. With God’s sunlight shining on you, may your heart glow with warmth like a turf fire that welcomes friends and strangers alike.
May the light of the Lord shine from your eyes like a candle in the window, welcoming the weary traveler.
May the blessing of God’s soft rain be on you, falling gently on your head, refreshing your soul with the sweetness of little flowers newly blooming.
May the strength of the winds of Heaven bless you, carrying the rain to wash your spirit clean, sparkling after in the sunlight.
May the blessing of God’s earth be on you and as you walk the roads, may you always have a kind word for those you meet.
May you understand the strength and power of God in a thunderstorm in winter, the quiet beauty of creation and the calm of a summer sunset.
And may you come to realize that insignificant as you may seem in this great universe, you are an important part of God’s plan.
May He watch over you and keep you safe from harm.


Recommended Reading

Books That Can Bless You And Change Your Life!

The Life Application Holy Bible ~ God

Success Principles ~ Jack Canfield

Success Principles for Teens ~ Jack Canfield 

When A Women Discovers Her Dream ~ Cindi McMenamin

A Women’s Walk With God: Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit ~ Elizabeth George

Battlefield of the Mind ~ Joyce Myers

Oh, The Places You’ll Go ~Dr. Seuss

Everyone Needs A Sam ~ John A. Winters

A Gift From The Sea ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day ~ Mark Batterson

Just Enough Light For The Step I Am On ~ Stormie Omartian

In Pursuit Of Peace ~ Joyce Meyer

On Grief And Grieving ~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler

Success Is The Quality Of The Journey ~ Jennifer James, Ph.d.

What Guys, See That Girls Don’t … Or Do They? ~ Sharon Daugherty

The 20 Essential Qualities of An Authentic Christian ~ Warren W. Wiersbe

The Velveteen Rabbit  ~ Margery Williams





Tired Of Trying To Measure Up ~ Jeff VanVondereren

Good To Great ~ Jim Collins

Successful Women Think Differently ~ Valorie Burton

The 4:8 Principle ~ Tommy Newberry

Choosing To Live The Blessing ~ John Trent, PH.D

Unleash! Breaking Free From Normalcy ~ Perry Noble

A Short Guide To A Happy Life ~ Anna Quindlen

God, Girls And Getting Connected ~ Robin Marsh and Lauren Nelson  

God, Girls And Guys ~ Robin Marsh and Lauren Nelson

Perfect Lives Lies ~ Overcoming nine hidden beliefs that stand between you and a healthy life ~ Jennifer Crow

Power to Create ~ Tim Redmond

Knowledge is power and wisdom is life changing!  No doubt one of the best ways to grow as a person and gain abundant knowledge is through reading books and reading God’s word.  It is my hope that you will strive to be lifelong learners and have teachable spirits! I pray that you will seek to always grow in knowledge and stature.


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