Keep on talking!

Keep on talking!

Parents talk to your teens.  Teens talk to your parents.

Keep talking but not just talking but sharing your feelings, thoughts and opinions.

Please and most importantly keep the lines of communication open.

The bottom line is teens…

Talk to your parents.

Talk to your pastor.

Talk to your mentors.

Talk to your Coaches.
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Talk to your teachers.

Talk to those that you know you can trust to give you sound Godly wisdom,  Everyone has advice and everyone has an opinion.  But the important thing is who are you getting your advice and wisdom from.  Ask and seek guidance from those you know have greater wisdom than you do and those who have your best interest at heart.  Life is hard and there will be many who wish to help give you advice but are they quality advice givers and can you have confidence in the advice they give.

I have had great friends but sometimes their advice wasn’t the best advice because I needed the advice from someone who had just a bit more life experience than I did or had a better gift of discernment than I.

But here is the deal.  It is most important to  talk to someone who is older, wiser and someone you can truly trust. Talk to someone who at the end of the day has your best interest at heart.

But when I say “talk”, I want you to share your life, ask for help if you need it, if your sad and depressed tell someone you know you can trust to help you.  Talking can save lives.  God build us for relationship and to help each other through life.  So my dear friends, please don’t go through life alone. I know that is not easy to share what you are going through but it is so important.

Tweens and teens, trust me on this one.

And parents if you are not talking to and encouraging your kids then get busy.  You may not always agree and in fact you may even disagree on things.  We are a “passionate” verbal family here at the Winters World but as the youngest loves to say” At least we are talking” Amen, to that!

So keep talking and keep the lines of communication open!

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