MOMs, it is a must that YOU take care of YOU!

If you don’t take care of you then how can you take care of those you love around you?

It is no accident that when you are on an airplane the flight attendant says, in case of the loss cabin pressure, take the mask and place it on yourself  before you place it on those younger ones around you.  Why do they say that?  Well, we all know why, Right? Because Moms and Dads need to be able to help those younger than themselves and those that need our support.  As a MOM Coach I work with young moms, old moms and many tired moms.  Most women rarely make time for themselves. so they are worn out.  However,  the great news is it doesn’t take hours for self-care but it does require YOU to  start doing something to take better care of YOU.

Embrace Your Life
Embrace Your Life

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I want MOMs like yourself to commit to make time for self-care so you can fully embrace your life and feel FAbYOUlous!

Take walk.

Get a massage.

Read a magazine.

Have a nice bath.

Take a nap.

Do something you love to do and commit to so it without any guilt.

Invest time in a hobby you love.

Pray with your Power Prayer Warriors.

Put on your favorite music and sing and dance around the house.

I am sure you know how to take care of yourself without any of these suggestions from me.  But the real question is, Are you taking care of you? and if  your not, Will you start today?

Here is the bottom line, if all you do is give, give and give you will have nothing left to give to others.  So take a moment each day to make some time for self-care.  Take care of YOU  and your family will thank you for it, because you will be stronger, more relaxed and renewed which will bless everyone in your life even yourself.




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